Just to clarify, I'm saying this about the average family living room and not geeked out badass home theaters.
When Apple decides to make their push with theTV, it's gonna be into the living room. Not for the 150" home theaters.
The bandwidth issues and sizes on the average family screen are not in dire need of 1080p at this time. 1080p is a bit ahead of it's time for the masses.
Most people have just been going digital and into HD in the past few years, and still. Most people also have an average of 40-50" sets too.
i'm just saying it doesn't take much in terms of upgraded hardware to make it capable of full 1080p to please, what may be the minority, but still a large number of people and potential buyers. if apple waits until 1080p is the standard, it will be too late. heck, we've had 802.11n wireless in macbooks for years now, long before they were the standard or many people could take advantage of it. it didn't take much to add it in. in fact the masses, mom and pop, still don't know what wireless-n is, let alone use it. yet, the hardware is there. no one is arguing for everyone to switch to 1080p streaming. i'd like the choice, and i guess i've made mine by purchasing other alternatives, despite really enjoying apple products. meanwhile i'm waiting for them to update the hardware to something more suited to 2010 media standards.