no, we get it....
and we are happy that you just got one...
but, the point is, it was a big part of the keynote, and it was said to be here in two weeks, which is now 4, in the meanwhile, just about every other hardware and software apple makes has gotten an update. aTV owners have had ONE update since release (to add YouTube, which is weak anyway). Its annoying that they announce something like this major update, and all of us that have been waiting for a freaking YEAR to get some new features on the thing are still waiting.
We get it apple, iPods sell... they saved the company, but lets not forget other products.....
then they wonder why aTV sales were sluggish... here's a hint, other devices are FAR surpassing the aTV in codec support, functionality, customization, interface, etc.... We are willing to wait for quality apple stuff, but enough is enough. Instead of rolling out a new iPhone when the old one is what, 6 months old... why not hold on for a second with the phone, and FINISH what you said was going to be ready weeks ago.