Can someone let me know how long the ATV2 software update takes? I't been going for about 15 minutes now. Just wanted to make sure it's not stuck in a loop.
Mine only took 5 mins to download update.
Can someone let me know how long the ATV2 software update takes? I't been going for about 15 minutes now. Just wanted to make sure it's not stuck in a loop.
He may have said things from which one could imply that most anything would work but that's not the same as saying it plainly and clearly. Thus, you'd have to show me where he said that "any video content" would work. In any case, software updates may come which will make whatever he said come closer to reality.Didn't Steve jobs himself tell us that we would be able to play any video content from our iPad on our atv?
Someone reported that it does not work, also that same user said that iTunes Extras are still missing. Of course, it would be nice to have a second confirmation on that and I'm just re-reporting what someone else said.Can anyone test an iTunes LP to see if that functionality has been added? I do not currently own any to test.
This is one pathetic update. The Apple TV has been out for 2 months and has some major glitches and issues, and they did nothing (not to mention Airplay is shotty at works, but has some problems).
- TV Shows Folders
- Movie Folders
- Pictures on Screen Saver are still not Random
- iTunes LP/Extras
to name a few.
TV seasons being sorted out of order has been fixed.
Quite the opposite for me. My seasons were in order before the update, now my TV shows list is a splatter of everything all completely out of any sort of order.
There's one workaround though: apparently ATV uses the "album" tag to sort entries, if present. So if you assign album names in iTunes that ascend alphabetically, it sorts correctly. Well, at least for me it does.
Doesn't seem to be helping me. All my shows have ascending album titles (both under the info tab & the sorting tab), yet I still have the splatter effect.
(Thank god I'd already filled in the album titles as I imported my shows, I wasn't looking forward to filling all that in for 3500+ shows, one season at a time).
Edit: Now things are starting to make more's set on the AppleTV to sort by show, yet the shows are still being sorted by date. Can't figure out why that is, but it makes a bit more sense than a random assortment of shows.
Edit 2: well, the first 7 shows are by date...beyond that, it's random as far as I can tell.