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Aptbackup DOES work

yea, the program is a waste - i did what it told me to do then it said I must backup...WTF?

People, people...just to be safe do the following:
Run AptBackup while jb'n and backup.
Next SSH into your phone and navigate to ~/var/mobile/Library/Preferences.
Here you will find 3 backup files: aptbackup.cydiasources.tgz,
aptbackup_dpkg-packages.txt and aptbackup_openssh.tgz.

Copy these to a folder on your computer then restore ur phone
Re-jb, download AptBackup then restore your iTunes b-up.
If AptBackup doesn't remember your previous b-up install SSH from
Cydia then manually move the 3 files above to the same folder
you copied them from, then launch Aptbackup and restore
and it will work. (BTW I tried AptBackup by itself when i upgraded
to 2.2 and it worked like a charm.) :D
Worked Again

I installed 2.2 to my 32 GB iPod Touch last night, making sure to run aptbackup right before I did it and ensuring it was the first Cydia application installed right after the JB.

And it worked fine-I guess this is a worthwhile program. I admit to operator error :)
Now I know why it's call just Apt Backup (not RESTORE)

I am COMPLETELY FRUSTRATED with apt backup. I have NEVER BEEN ABLE to make it work-3rd software upgrade and it DOES NOT WORK :mad:

I pwned 2.2, restored, and restored my iphone-Ran CYDIA first thing and downloaded aptbackup. When I choose restore, it says "restore can only happen after a backup has been performed and the iphone has been restored" WHICH IS WHAT I FREAKIN DID!!!!!

URGH-what am I doing wrong??? :mad:

Now I know why it's call just Apt Backup (not RESTORE)
Don't know happened to me three-four times as well.
Just did the 3.0 upgrade and after third tries finally got Pwnage 3.0 to work. First thing I did was install Apt Backup in Cydia... Poof same message happen.
BigBoss - DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!
It works on 3.01, too!

I did this and it worked beautifully when upgrading from 3.0 to 3.01 using redsn0w. I've added the following to the directions to make it more specific...

If you follow these steps, you shouldn't have a problem.

Open AptBackup.
Click Backup.
Do a full sync and backup through iTunes.
Upgrade <--activate, but don't continue the "Set Up Your Phone" process. Quit iTunes.
Sync in iTunes. <--This means to now set up your phone. Restore from backup.
Open Cydia, skip "essential upgrades" warning. Download AptBackup.
Close cydia, Open AptBackup, Click Restore.
Do another full sync and backup in iTunes.

Done. Worked beautifully. <--agreed!:cool:
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