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I've heard it to mean F'ed Up Data too.

The only people spreading FUD in that sense are the ones insisting everything is ok, and the fault lies with us users. Totally absurd.
I find it funny that all these people saying there are no problems and the odds are small for getting a defective one COMPLETELY IGNORES how so many iMacs in the Apple Stores exhibit the yellow tinted display.

People going through their 5th replacement still having issues is a sign that these things are probably not as good as some people say they are.

If the chance of getting a defect is really 1/1000, wow, if you get 5 in a row, that's the probability of 1/1000 * 1/1000 * 1/1000 *1/1000 * 1/1000 = 0.000000000000001 ??? you mind as well go win the lottery. These people must be so unlucky that they probably crash their car 10 times daily, right?

I am waiting until at least the end of January unless things from week 3 really start to improve.
So we all know about the 27" Imac issues which to some are endless.
My question is, being in Sydney - Australia, is it time to buy yet ? are the bugs and problems fixed yet or are we still in a grey area ?

If i buy a i7 will there still be screen problems , noise issues, graphic issues and whatever else people have been discussing on macrumors ?


Two statistics run some time ago suggested around 40% - 50% problem rate. This would go in line with some people having to replace two, or three times, as well as many people not having any problems (or not seeing them yet). Apple guys are (traditionally) behaving as used car traders ("Engine noise?? What engine noise!?") and no numbers of any sort comes from there.

What amazes me is that some people here are lurking around and bragging about problem free iMacs, rather than enjoying their perfect machines.

Bottom line - make your own call. I for one made mine and canceled my order for now.

Tom B.
Keep telling yourself that

As an Apple fan and someone who has now received two bad iMac's in a row, I think it's safe to say that people defending them, or insisting "there are no problems", are nothing less than complete and utter idiots.

Thankfully, I deal in reality.
Haven't read all the posts, but in my opinion it isn't going to make much difference if you wait, you'll just end up with a perfect working computer sooner if your order now. Apple wouldn't leave anyone with a faulted computer.

My Dad just got his i5, no problems at all and I have an i7 on the way. The guy I spoke to on the phone did also say that the 2 week wait is due to fixing some bugs in new builds but I would never take that as a guarentee.

Also if you wait until May for example it is probably going to be mid cycle, then you'll wonder if you should wait for an upgrade.
As an Apple fan and someone who has now received two bad iMac's in a row, I think it's safe to say that people defending them, or insisting "there are no problems", are nothing less than complete and utter idiots.

Thankfully, I deal in reality.

Then I reject your reality and substitute my own, as someone who owns a perfectly good i7 iMac, and have several friends who have no problems with theirs. You're dealing in broad judgements of people's experiences and that's naive and simple-minded.

Based on my years working Apple Retail, seeing how many Macs get sold per day, then how many come back for issues, a blanket statement suggesting that all iMacs are defective out of the box is gross negligence and foolish, but go ahead and keep making them.
Enjoy it while you can...

Get it now.

If you wait 6 months then you might be dead and you would have missed your chance of experiencing the best iMac ever. Imagine living with that for all eternity.
Thanks to all the replies.

I think that this imac (27") is "the" best thus far, for what your getting for the price its a must have..... A few issues though:

To those who say that these imac issues only surround the minority, i believe atleast 25 % of buyers expirienced some kind or mutliple issues. (research shows more). So the problem with this is your taking a gamble to recieve a non faulty machine, its known... so why would people still buy them knowing theres good chance in buy a problem ? yes you can return it x amount of times but your then your wasting your time and energy. I have allways bought apple computers because of the reliability and quality but im not confident about buying an imac, id rather save myself the hassel of having potential problems and the headache.

It's a nice machine the new Imac, I sold a Mac Pro leading up the the release to buy one and I have basically been waited 5 months to buy it. But it looks like now i will have to hold out it till the rev or atleast till march.

Mean while im using windows 7, its not that bad, but life was simpler with osx and as a designer i really need a mac.
Unless you really need or want one, I'd wait till the next revision (probably in Summer/Fall). Right now the risk just isn't worth dropping that much cash.

Thats a bit much. Apple isn't sitting on their hands. They don't like bad publicity because of manufacturing or shipping damage issues, they don't like the hit on their reputation, and they certainly don't like having to replace all of these iMacs.

For those of you losing your cool over people who are saying there is nothing wrong with theirs relax. Thats their data point. Your is yours.

If you look at the iMac issues site at you can see a pretty dramatic decrease in issues reported. I think it's pretty obvious the number of iMacs with issues has dramatically decreased as Apple has discovered and fixed the problems. All of the Internet order sites have recently gotten lots of iMacs in after not having them. I suspect this is because Apple has released a flood of iMacs made after the issues were found and solved.
To those who say that these imac issues only surround the minority, i believe atleast 25 % of buyers expirienced some kind or mutliple issues. (research shows more).


Care to show us proof? And please don't think that some poll generated here is proof...


If you look at the iMac issues site at you can see a pretty dramatic decrease in issues reported. I think it's pretty obvious the number of iMacs with issues has dramatically decreased as Apple has discovered and fixed the problems. All of the Internet order sites have recently gotten lots of iMacs in after not having them. I suspect this is because Apple has released a flood of iMacs made after the issues were found and solved.

This is a very hopeful sign, however observed drop in numbers might also be a little bit misleading, since the new production just started to trickle in and there was not enough time for old problems to show (or be reported) yet.
I build my hopes on the shipment delays and rumors of some redesign being done as the cause of the delay (could be an overwhelming demand, though...)

On the other hand maybe all these machines are really just perfect, if we only dismiss data we have...
Sorry, it is too early in the day for me to think straight...


Tom B.
I would not say they are all perfect...but I think the major issues are over. Any time you start up mass manufacturing of a new product you need to ramp up quality control at first. Looks like that didn't happen for whatever reason. I think they have solved the issues now though.
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