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Nermal said:
Well I've never tried it myself so I'm just relaying what I've heard.

Nonsense too. The original method was to format so that Vista could boot properly, but if you delete the 200mb EFI partition or format it HFS then Vista has no booting problems. I've had each Vista build on my iMac since Boot Camp came out.
What Vista Stands For

I dont know why Apple fans are trying to install vista on a mac. It will make you miss Tiger so much more. I put the beta on a partition on my gaming PC. It crashes alot, the new search feature is nowhere near as good as spotlight. IE7 is a ripoff of Safari. As far as I am concered Vista stands for:


Just stick with Windows XP until Vista either dies or becomes a little bit more stable.
Shrek6446 said:
As far as I am concered Vista stands for:
It could be Vastly Inferior System To Apple :D

I installed WinXP on my MacBook today and it reminded me just how awful, bad, terrible, ***** etc windows really is. After about 15 restarts, i had a system i could "use", in some form of the word. Installing it was the most unco, laborious things i have done with a computer. How can windows have almost complete market share with a system so fragile and pathetic?!?

another 2 cents for the pot.
thechris69 said:
i dont understand what is so special about vista? can someone give me the main differences between xp and vista?

I have no idea. From the features described it's not groundbreaking or so futuristic. I have no reason to upgrade from XP. Since MS is all about backwords capatibility anything that runs on Vista will run on XP. I mean look at IE7. Look at all the Vista themes for XP. Win 2000 could do 3d desktop with 3rd party apps.

I don't get it either.
Nermal said:
Before anyone dives in and installs the beta, be warned that the Vista installer apparently wipes your OS X partition.

Umm, I think if you use boot camp to install Winblows XP, You can have it overwrite the Windows Partition, and have it stay away from the mac partition. But what self respecting Mac user would want to install ANY copy of windows.

Oh, and just a little reminder, don't leave huge white space. It makes it look like you have TONS of white text to say. And sorry. I couldn't resist putting this in white text =P
while I currently don't need vista or xp, as a student, knowing I don't have to go to the computer labs because of windows-only software is a huge plus.
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