BTW- The Xeon E3s are Ivy Bridge. They are designed for single-processor machines. E5s (Sandy Bridge) are available for up to 4 processor machines.
And they are Quad-core only so far. Some even have integrated GPU.
BTW- The Xeon E3s are Ivy Bridge. They are designed for single-processor machines. E5s (Sandy Bridge) are available for up to 4 processor machines.
I don't think they're implying that they will only offer dual processor configurations, but Apple could offer a single 2687w option.
None of the newly announced HP, Dell, or any of the other E5 based workstation vendors have it. None of the not so newly announced i7 39xx based workstation vendors have it. None of the standard motheboards from typical vendors SuperMicro, MSI , Asus ,etc. for these SB-E/SB-EP processors have it.
Nobody. So it is quite imaginable.
The mDP output from the iGPU. Sure. A couple were announced months ago at CeBit.
And the universally true fact among all of those I have seen is that those motherboards all host a Core i CPU package with a iGPU in it.
You folks completely ignore the most signficant factor. If Display Port singals are naturally on the motheboard ( either there is an embedded mobile GPU card and/or there is a integrated GPU unit in the CPU package ) those are naturally aligned with the Thunderbolt objectives. It is a 'no brainer' to add it.
TB on board highly enhances the GPU being on board. It only moves Intel's ( and AMD's ) merged CPU/GU agenda forward that much more faster.
Decoupling TB from the onboard GPU doesn't. That in addition to the "expectation mismatches" set up by TB sometimes does and sometimes not, makes for completely in Intels non interest to push for "data only" PCs at this time.
When TB is more mature and widely adopted perhaps there will be a push for an alternative "data only" socket. We'll see, but that is not likely to come for at least a couple of years, if ever.
I think is more likely that Xeon E5's will pick up a iGPU unit around the Haswell update. At that point the E5's will be just like the other Core i models that Apple uses. They'll have GPUs and can use practically the same exact methodologies to hook up to the TB controller on Mac Pro as on the other Macs.
It is a matter getting the server folks to fess up to the fact the GPU can actually get more significant computational workload done than the generic x86 cores. In two years or so that will be more clearly evident.
None of the newly announced HP, Dell, or any of the other E5 based workstation vendors have it. None of the not so newly announced i7 39xx based workstation vendors have it. None of the standard motheboards from typical vendors SuperMicro, MSI , Asus ,etc. for these SB-E/SB-EP processors have it.
Nobody. So it is quite imaginable.
One of the great advantages that I see is being able to work away from your main site, using fast TB storage and then hooking it up to the Mac Pro when you're back at your office. Otherwise ThunderBolt is ThunderPants to me.
I realise I could do it what I mentioned in various ways right now, but the Thunderbolt solution just appeals for some reason.Errrr, you can do that now. Put a eSATA or SAS card in your Mac Pro. Plug in your portable eSATA disk. Turn off the disk and Mac Pro and pack eSATA disk in your bag. At remote site plug eSATA card into MBP 17" ExpressCard slot. Plug in eSATA disk. Rise and repeat.
The Thunderbolt change is that you dump the ExpressCard in the trash can. You buy a eSATA Thuderbolt adapter and keep using the same set up.
Maybe you buy some newer, faster eSATA disks but that isn't really part of the Thunderbolt upgrade process.
Even if you love having your throughput choked off by ExpressCard. Get a ExpressCard /TB adapter and continue to poke along as speeds from 5 years ago.
The only time enter the "gotta have" circular loop is when the "SATA adapter/controller" is pushed inside the external drive's case leaving only a TB socket behind. Yeah at that point you need TB because it is the only way into to the data. But that wasn't the only route.
Similarly if more vendors adopted USM ( ) besides the Seagate GoFlex then you be able to attached/detach the TB controller hiding the SATA connectors as you move from machine to machine without the raw drive's casing being exposed.
Again a "problem" which solutions pre-date TB.
Granted, Thunderbolt is probably a better solution for carrying multidrive RAID box from machine to machine. If the RAID card isn't being duplicated that's a signficant upside. But individual drives from box to box (even single 6Gbs SSDs ) ... there are very competitive solutions already out there.
uhhh . . . (In stock. )
Most of the tests I've seen show the i7 3930k basically offering the same performance as a single xeon for about half the price. It seems the xeon e5's value really kicks in with multiple processors. Also a lot of their benefits seemed to be in the efficiency department for machines working as 24/7 servers.
Uhhh bubba. "... [Socket] 1155 Intel Z77 " ..... that means iGPU !
Get real folks. Just "i7" says nothing about whether something is SB-E or Ivy Bridge-E . Some of the i7's are mainstream based dies. Some of the i7's are Xeon EP based dies ( with some features turned off/on). The mainstream ones are all socket 1155 based. ( fewer PCI-e lanes is part of the missing pins. 16x for mainstream and 20x for the less crippled E3's )
Same is true on Xeon side. Some Xeons are mainstream dies with some features turned on/off ( Xeon E3 with iGPU and ECC on) and some Xeons are EP based The E5 1600 , 2600 , 2400 , 4600 series. They have sockets 2011 and 1356 .
To make it simpler for folks who have no idea what they are looking for, it is a :
Socket 2011 motherboard with either a C600 chipset (for E5's ) or a X79 chipset for a ( i7 39xx )
one of those with TB built in (or takes an approved TB PCI-e card ... there will be a "TB " socket next to a PCI-e x4 slot that supplies the board's Display Port signal .... there probably won't be any of these, but will show up on 1155 boards. ). If find one report back. .... we'll let the crickets chirp in the mean time.
This is not only possible, but easier to do, as there's no need to make provisions for display data.
But the question is whether or not Apple would take such an approach or not.
I think Apple will do it ( perhaps Mountain Lion only), because it is kind of ridiculous to "too poor to do the work" on a box that is 3-4 times the average PC unit cost.
Price/Performance wise it wouldn't be. Those offerings tend to deficient along that metric. They are largely a gimmick for those who either wistfully plan to some day upgrade (but never will) or have some short term purchasing problem ( can't buy the two that they actually really need right away).
Sadly I wouldn't put it past them. Most mac pro users are likely using something faster than usb3 for anything where high performance is a requirement anyway,
so they could just regard it as a nice feature but not 100% necessary. It can be added via discrete cards,
Apple did this on the 3,1. There was a cto single package option.
By the way, do you deal with server or workstation deployments all day? .
my point was that they are ever so slowly making it out in the wild.....
I don't need it personally, yet anyway, but maybe in the future I could see some external drives when the price of cables and enclosures gets reasonable.
Most external Thunderbolt drives are likely going to remain RAID boxes. (multiple drive containers). Those prices are not likely to crater over time.
The TB Drive market is probably be no larger than the Mac market is to the overall general PC market now.
I wouldn't bet on that. USB 3.0 thumb drives, external single HDDs , storage card readers, etc. all make much more sense with USB 3.0 than any of the alternatives. It is faster and more portable if occasionally have to deal with slower machines. It is rather unfortunate if one of the "slower machines" is the Mac pro for likely another two iterations (2012 , 2013 ).
To show up in 2014 with USB 3.0 is kind of ridiculous. Hence, I can see them saying they were going to be just a little late.
The 3rd party drivers are the issue. I don't really expect them to actually implement all of the issues correctly since the money to pay for the drivers is coming from razor thin cards margins and not the broadbase OS fees collected from every users. For example Linux was first out of the gate with USB 3.0 (xHCI) support but their isochronous implementation has lagged. (I'm not sure they ever closed the gap but to cut corners some vendors have used this code as a base. How GPL drivers mix with Windows and Mac OS X is a bit of mystery but that's OK. ]
The 3,1 used the old Core microarchitecture. Back then the processor packages shared a "front side bus" with to the memory. There was no difference in cost between those that did and didn not have active QPI (Intel's inter-processor package connector ) links. There were no QPI links.![]()
Of course they didn't differentiate.... there was no difference.
Shared front side memory bus is in the garbage can next to Pentium 4 architecture at this point. Not particularly relevant. It is never coming back on Xeon class processors. It doesn't really scale past 4 cores very well. The 3,1 Hapertown was pretty suboptimal from a parallel processing perspective , but it was the only thing Intel had at the time. They were still digging out of the Pentium 4 hole they had dug for themselves.
Among other things, I deal with optimizations. So, wiring up and installing boxes? No. Why is the associated system stack performance or design bad? Yes.
I'm aware that the chipset wouldn't be updated beyond firmware tweaks until 2014. I just kind of wonder if Apple is putting a lot of engineering resources into this line.
If Apple implements native usb3 support with Mountain Lion, wouldn't that mitigate development costs in producing a stable card?
I remember that not everything seemed to really benefit from the core count there, but I thought that was more of a programming limitation given that the initial testing on nehalem showed it to be somewhat of a flat upgrade going from octo core harper to octo core nehalem.
So I'm assuming all the mac pro's will use xeons, including the single socket?
Most of the tests I've seen show the i7 3930k basically offering the same performance as a single xeon for about half the price.
It seems the xeon e5's value really kicks in with multiple processors.
. I couldn't justify an extra $1000-$1500 for the xeon configurations based on the performance increases I was seeing in their real world tests as well as benchmarks.
Let's see what they come up with. There are some cool things they could have salvaged from the XServe and put into the Mac Pro. If it is the same rack mount hostile case and a slightly tweaked motherboard and the major changes are restricted internal to the CPU/RAM daughtercard .... then yeah ... it is a the "minimal life support" R&D budget.
Yes. It is also a better " find bug once / fix many " value proposition for the users as well. It is really a much better set up when the OS vendor takes on responsibility for the basic drivers that everyone just leverages.
Not really. This is an old article that compares the new 2010 model but it includes the 2009 and 2008 models as wells.
On geekbench the 2.8GHz 4C Nehalem comes out about even with the 2.8GHz 8C Hapertown. On Cinebench it isn't quite even but awfully close giving up a 4C advantage to the older memory throttled architecture. That's is indicative of how jack up the front side bus was. I'm also preplexed by the steady steam of folks claim the pre-Nehalem boxes like 2,1 and 1,1 were some hallmark of computational prowess.
I suppose there may have been some benchmarks that were Rosetta bound where the Hapertown might have come out on top, but it being hooked to the front side bus was a large contributor to why AMD was spanking Intel around that 2006-2008 time period.
Prices went up a bit, but the performance users were getting went up much more.
i7 3930K => $583
E5 2650 => $583
Buying them because the system cost is cheaper ... probably. But that isn't driven by the CPU package cost differences. Nor CPU performance.
I see the E5 2650 listed around 1099.99 and that's a 2ghz processor as opposed to 3.2ghz 3930k.
That link in your post was to an E5 1650. Did you mean to say 1650? Typo?
EDIT: Did a little more reading and assume you meant to say the 1650. So what do you think is the likelihood of this 1650 chip ending up in the single core Mac pro? Would they opt for this over 26xx? Is it correct that the 16xx are more aimed at workstations vs 26xx for server? Trying to get a better handle on it. Also is it true that ECC memory can introduce some latency in exchange for stability and error detection (aimed again at server applications)? If the mobo supports ECC memory is it then required?
That was my point. There isn't much R&D. They'd like to keep it as stable as possible so that the platform remains feasible without producing any unusual issues.
Microsoft is supposed to have native support in Windows 8. In either case it makes it much easier to release a stable PCI card.
While I wish I could just update my laptop to the newest and go with that, I question the wisdom of letting a macbook pro render things for hours at a time.
That link in your post was to an E5 1650. Did you mean to say 1650? Typo?
The design input to this Mac Pro had to include decisions that Apple was making then that had not previously made. Canceling XServe ( so racking is larger issue ), Thunderbolt , GPU cards on a seemingly irreversible trend to higher TDP plateaus ( higher end ones above 200W) , wired (10GbE) and wireless (801.11ac) networks going to new higher plateaus , USB 3.0 adoption rates, etc.. If the situation was properly assess several of the core assumptions that had gone into the basic Mac Pro design were at that point quite stale; if not outright wrong.
I suspect Apple saw these coming and has mutated the Mac Pro a bit more than the last couple of iterations.
Sometimes R&D investments are like an iceberg.... there is more you can't immediately see from far away to the object.
This is going to have a deep impact on USB 3.0 adoption rates. Now that the dominate general PC market OS has full USB 3.0 support the adoption rate is only going to dramatically increase. This will kick the adoption into the "next gear". For the Mac Pro to be lacking on it would be folly. I can see Apple doubting USB 3.0 had high adoption rates before Windows 8. But after? They would have to be drinking gallons of Cupertino kool-aid to believe it was going to have growth problems after that enablement fell into place.
If they kill the optical and put in a bigger/more fan that would help.