Mem Cognit. 1993 Jul;21(4):506-18
"That man's father is my father's son": the roles of structure, strategy, and working memory in solving convoluted verbal problems.
896 people surveyed
From the abstract:
"The normative data revealed that the modal, but incorrect response to the brothers and sisters problem was "himself," whereas the correct response of "son" was given by only 17% of subjects for the traditional version..."
Interesting - though I wouldn't claim the authors understand the riddle any better than posters within this thread.
Mem Cognit. 1993 Jul;21(4):506-18
"That man's father is my father's son": the roles of structure, strategy, and working memory in solving convoluted verbal problems.
896 people surveyed
From the abstract:
"The normative data revealed that the modal, but incorrect response to the brothers and sisters problem was "himself," whereas the correct response of "son" was given by only 17% of subjects for the traditional version..."
Interesting - though I wouldn't claim the authors understand the riddle any better than posters within this thread.