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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Nov 27, 2007
I have had my iPad since the launch day on April 3. It's been great, and I've been spending 2-3 hours every night on it: browsing the web, catching up TV episodes, reading magazines, playing some games, downloading and playing with new apps... But it's starting to get a bit repetitive.

I am sure others out there may know of other fun things to do on their iPads that I am not aware of. While there are apps reviews available, it is hard to find the really good ones. So please, share your favourite apps, or websites, or whatever that you do often on your iPad.
I don't understand, you are saying you are bored with "the internet?" Try stumbleupon, that will take you to sites you normally wouldn't have found.
I've been spending 2-3 hours every night on it: browsing the web, catching up TV episodes, reading magazines, playing some games, downloading and playing with new apps... But it's starting to get a bit repetitive.

My Goodness. :confused:
To the OP: Make sure you never start using an ordinary computer like a laptop or desktop if you think the iPad is repetitive.

Maybe you should do something else altogether. Put down your iPad, go outside and take a walk or socialize with friends.
I have had my iPad since the launch day on April 3. It's been great, and I've been spending 2-3 hours every night on it: browsing the web, catching up TV episodes, reading magazines, playing some games, downloading and playing with new apps... But it's starting to get a bit repetitive.

I am sure others out there may know of other fun things to do on their iPads that I am not aware of. While there are apps reviews available, it is hard to find the really good ones. So please, share your favourite apps, or websites, or whatever that you do often on your iPad.

Some ideas:

1. Download and install GoodReader. You can then get all your important files and documents stored on your iPad and organize them into folders.

2. Download Handbrake and start ripping your DVD collection so as to have all your favorite movies optimized for iPad and ready for viewing at a moment's notice.

3. Similarly, pull all your home video of the family over to digital and use AVCHD Converter to merge scenes and format them for iPad.

4. Get moving on your iTunes Playlists. Build tons of them for every mood and situation. Navigating to Artist or Album isn't the way to go.

5. Learn the joy and convenience of RSS feeds and have your news pushed to you. Set up a Google Reader account, paste in RSS feeds from your favorite newspapers and blogs, then bookmark the Google Reader for Mobile on your iPad.

6. Download an app called AppAdvice which gives great up-to-the-minute information on all things iPad, especially emerging new apps and app reviews.

7. Install Now Playing for iPad, set up your favorite movie theaters and watch some trailers of upcoming releases.

8. Back to GoodReader, if you're into, ahem, "adult" viewing material, password protecting a folder in GoodReader will allow you to carry your favorite videos around and keep them safely away from prying eyes.

Wirelessly posted (iPhone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4 Mobile/7B367 Safari/531.21.10)

I haven't gotten bored with it, but I do find myself using it when the iPhone would suffice, and maybe be a bit easier. The iPad can be a tad unwieldy IMO.
OP - you are kinda sad. As said before, disconnect from the device and go outside. You realize 2-3 hours/night is 1/12-1/8 of your life!!! And if you can't put the technology down...may I suggest porn sites? ;)
I have had my iPad since the launch day on April 3. It's been great, and I've been spending 2-3 hours every night on it: browsing the web, catching up TV episodes, reading magazines, playing some games, downloading and playing with new apps... But it's starting to get a bit repetitive.

I am sure others out there may know of other fun things to do on their iPads that I am not aware of. While there are apps reviews available, it is hard to find the really good ones. So please, share your favourite apps, or websites, or whatever that you do often on your iPad.

Move on to a next gadget ;)
What bored,

Games, Movies, podcast, web surfing and you're bored. As my momma used to say "If you're bored I'll give you something to do"
Seriously, the new wears off of everything; humans are fickle by nature.

I agree with you but only to some extent. Not all gadgets are equal. For example, nobody gets bored with their phones. That's because we really need them. Then there are gadgets like, say, radio controlled cars. We want them, we buy them, we use them for a while then forget about them. Life will tell which category iPad belongs to (or closer to, the ones I mentioned are probably on the opposite end of the specter).
jailbrake adds lots of new things to do, and many more to come.
-backgrounding apps- listen to Pandora all the time, no matter what else you are running.
-SBSsettings- have most-used settings popup in a top window, not buried down in apple menus
-download some of the free vintage and childrens books with cool vintage artwork, -gutenburg project and others
-Use Atomic browser, kills the Safari one.
Thanks for all the advice posted so far. I do want to stress that I still love my iPad, just not as passionate as I was during the first month ;) And I am no where near being bored if it, just wondering if anyone were... (guess not)

By the way, I do go out and socialize everyday. Some of you seem to imply that 2-3 hours a day on an iPad is too much. I bet many of us spend the same amount of time on tv, internet, computer games, and reading. I just do them all in my iPad.
For those who are bashing the OP for posting this, I feel his pain. I was so excited about the iPad and the Netflix, ABC, and IMDB apps, but since the launch, I have definitely noticed that the development of new apps has fizzled down a bit. I'm sure many devs are working night and day on new stuff... And many TV stations like CBS are just going to do HTML 5 rather then write an iPad app. But it would be nice to see more apps take advantage of all that screen real estate. Facebook is one who I am shocked has not done anything yet...
It's called habituation.

The novelty is going to wear off sometimes, especially with how often and long you use it.
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