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Never happen for me as i love playing games, and i mean proper games like BF1, not iPad kiddy games. Also need full Office suite for my home business.

For me iPads are great for lying back and surfing the net/Youtube etc.
iPhone user-only at first then switched to iPad Pro 12.9 cause it is my main device atm, Big screen is a big win for me since i don't like TV screen, I use mine for watching Movies/TV Shows, reading the mags, browsing the net, listening to music, playing games and editing things by Apps.
As an older, nearly 70 year old bloke, my wife and I have been without a computer for 2 years only using an IPad 2 (slow as and not updatable) and an IPad Air, we have survived.

We pay all our household accounts, email, message, FaceTime and Skype, plus I am able borrow books from the library, write diaries, use Excel, Word etc, what is more to need.

The downside is storage. I would love to be able to backup directly to a separate storage device rather than the cloud and then retrieve when needed.

So we will update both iPads for the total cost of new standalone 21.5 inch iMac. Long live the iPad and every oldie should have one.
I think now's the time to do it. Though I'm worried as my budget only stretches as far as the 128GB iPad 2017 - though for my needs it's fine. I just hope it's supported for a few years from now

My gut says it will be supported for a while. I see this iPad replacing the old iPad 2's in schools and what not considering it's price point.
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iPhone user-only at first then switched to iPad Pro 12.9 cause it is my main device atm, Big screen is a big win for me since i don't like TV screen, I use mine for watching Movies/TV Shows, reading the mags, browsing the net, listening to music, playing games and editing things by Apps.

I think for movies alone, the 12.9 iPad is a clear choice. Especially if you're using it just for primarily movies/TV shows.
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Absolutely ..... NOT

My iPad mini is used only briefly for reading pdfs , watching movies while I am resting and browsing the Internet. For the rest 90% I use my late 2013 27'' iMac. The screen size alone is good enough reason. Tablets and smartphones are still stuck with extremely limited technology and substandard software. I have to confess I expected much more from them but frankly there is a very low bar of quality in pretty much anything related to mobile platforms. Desktop still is King and that is not going to change any time soon. But I won't deny that I am in love with the size and portability of my iPad mini 4.
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iPad is naturally many people's primary device due to portability and ease of use. That was boosted by multitasking in iOS 9 and will be boosted again with iOS 11. But as for replacing my computer, I just don't see myself doing that. They're not the same. It can technically be my primary device but I'm not going to throw out my computer because of that. The same goes with phones.
But it all depends on usage and requirements. Even if I could do everything I needed to on my iPad, it's a different experience and I would still have my Mac/PC because they have their benefits. That's how I see the iPad progressing. People will still have a computer and iPad, but the usage will switch compared to what it was upon iPads introduction.
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Although I don't plan to replace my MacBook Pro anytime soon, I'm planning to get the 10.5" as a replacement of my 11" MacBook Air for my on the go needs. I was hoping for something exciting on the 12" MacBook, but that didn't happen (no price drop, no boost in battery life). Plus I find that I can be quite productive on my mini 2 if I set aside my paradigm in how I do things. Even without side by side, I find the slide over feature and picture in picture to be quite handy. I can imagine my productivity to increase even more on the 10.5" with all the multi tasking feature.
Owned a MacBook Pro 15 inch and boy what a mistake I made = wasted money for me.

12.9 iPad Pro is more than enough, and less than half the cost of a MacBook Pro. Only good reason having a MacBook is for iTunes in the event that your iPad is Bricked with upgrading with the new iOS version, and Apple should make the changes so we don't have to go that route.

Online Banking
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How many people here now solely use an iPad as their main device and iPhone alongside it .. or how many of you are now selling things to actually do this. I'm doing this now, and want to know how many of you are doing the same and why.

Planning on going iPad-only. I used to have an iPad 2, that was a great device but essentially a big iPhone. I sold it and got an iPhone 6+ which I still use today. iOS11 got me interested in iPad again, so I'm just gonna take the plunge and see how it goes. 10.5 Pro 256GB for me. I'll wait until iOS11 actually arrives though.
I'm about 80% convinced that I'm gonna pull the trigger on a 12.9" 512gb LTE iPad Pro with Smart Keyboard and Pencil in the next few days and attempt to transition 100% to it.

My use case:
I work full time and I study at uni full time (online).
I have a work issued Lenovo ThinkPad which takes care of 100% of work tasks.
I carry my iPad Air 2 to work each day, mainly for consumption but occasionally to do some quick uni exercises, etc.. I use it also when travelling, and I love it, it's a great device. Looking at it as an iPad in isolation, it does everything I want it to.
My MacBook Pro is mainly used for watching lectures, reading PDFs, and writing essays, managing my "master copy" of my music and photo libraries.

Sometimes on weekends I lug my MBP, charger, iPad Air 2, a couple of writing exercise books and some textbooks to do some study a the library. I ride a bike, and all that can feel pretty heavy.

The way I see it/am justifying it:
iOS11 bridges the gap between what I need out of a computer and what I need out of a tablet. The iPad now seems like it will do everything I need.
It'd be great to simplify my iPad, MacBook and my note pads into one device. Managing just the one, with the ability to have everything with me all the day every day would be so efficient.
It'd be great to have the large iPad to read and take notes over PDFs and Lecture slides. I find the Air2 too small to do this properly...and of course, no pencil.
It'd also be great to be able to take the iPad Pro to work and head straight to the library afterwards for study without having to head home and grab all my gear first (which means I currently never go to the library for study after work).
It'd be great to write notes with the Pencil while listening to / watching lectures, and have all my notes by stored and searchable, instead of being spread over multiple physical books.

Short version: the large screen and the new features of iOS11 seems like a new 12.9 maxed out Pro would meet all my requirements.

My concerns:
1. The size. I like being able to use the iPad in bed for some reddit/imgur browsing, or around my apartment one handed from time to time, etc... not a deal breaker as I have an SE that can do this if I find the larger iPad to be too cumbersome.
2. Writing essays on the Smart Keyboard. I'm not sure how it's gonna feel without proper wrist support, different weight distribution etc..
3. Not being able to have a few Word docs open at once.
4. Not having fully featured MS Office.
5. Parts of my uni website don't display properly on my iPad.
6. Will file management actually be real file management? When it's time to submit my essay, will I actually be able to navigate my files to do so? Will I be able to have proper version control on my documents, Etc...
7. The price. If I get the 512GB LTE 12.9 Pro, plus the SmartKeyboard and Pencil, I'd be spending over $2200 AUD. That's a lot of money to pay for something everything in my current setup already does. It'd basically be an expensive simplification exercise.

Points 3-6 I'm not too concerned about as I have the work laptop I could use for the few instances where the iPad doesn't do what I need (hopefully less than 1% of tasks), but it's mainly the size (ergonomics, portability) and the price that are really holding me back.

Anyone else in a similar situation?
Same problem here. I've got a Imac 27, Ipad Air and IP7+. Now due to changes around the house i'll be getting rid of the Imac. First tought was to replace it with a Macbook Pro 13".
But the only thing i'll use the imac is convert movies that i download with spotlite and grabit to download it. Then i'll put series and movies to an external drive so that i can view via Infuse.
All the rest like music and photo's, that is via Apple Music and photo's are in the cloud.
I tought about not buying the macbook but the ipad pro. But i'll think i would miss a laptop or desktop.
Any thought here?
I'm not solely going to be iPad Pro only, i love having my 2012 iMac (the best desktop i've ever used) but i'm going to be getting the new 12.9" iPad Pro instead of updating my MacBook Pro 2011, with the software announcements in IOS 11 for iPad Pro i think it will be a great laptop replacement for many add that to the big storage option of 512GB and I'm very happy with what i saw at WWDC.
It's been 48 minutes since my post above - bugger it, I'm pulling the trigger. I'll try it out for a week and do the 14 day return if I decide it's not for me.
Good luck, thing is to be patient. It really is not that large around the house. However if you are outside and want to do serious stuff then it may feel a bit on the big side, but it is no bigger than a 13 inch MBA which lots of people use on the go.

I am very happy with my gen1 but would like a 9.7 or 10.5 as complement - but will wait for ios11 as the real benefits will show then.
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Well I've pulled the trigger

iPad Pro 12.9 256GB wifi

Will figure out how much I use my MacBook then.

Just now to get the keyboard or just the smart cover

Congratulations, i think I'm going to also get the 12.9" update from my first gen 12.9" but i will wait until i see it in the Apple store. I've noticed at the moment it is unavailable to reserve for in store at the moment. Did you decide against the 512GB option in the end then?
Just for s/n/giggles... lol My previous post is on point.

Congratulations, i think I'm going to also get the 12.9" update from my first gen 12.9" but i will wait until i see it in the Apple store. I've noticed at the moment it is unavailable to reserve for in store at the moment. Did you decide against the 512GB option in the end then?
I seriously thought about it but think 256GB will be enough and money wise it makes sense as it's quite Bit extra for 512GB

This is a huge turnaround for me as I said for awhile 12.9 is too big but the new features on IOS 11 I think the bigger screen is better for it.

Plus it could mean I might not need my MacBook so will give it a month with both and see

Only thing is this won't arrive until 1st July. But gives me the chances to go in store and see it in person.
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I seriously thought about it but think 256GB will be enough and money wise it makes sense as it's quite Bit extra for 512GB

This is a huge turnaround for me as I said for awhile 12.9 is too big but the new features on IOS 11 I think the bigger screen is better for it.

Plus it could mean I might not need my MacBook so will give it a month with both and see

Only thing is this won't arrive until 1st July. But gives me the chances to go in store and see it in person.

Yea i also keep coming back to the 12.9" option, simply because of multitasking and i want to be able to do more on the screen. I'm not sure why Apple decided to add a higher storage option of 512GB (not complaining i think it's a great idea) maybe it's because of the Files app and knowing that people will store more on the device with it?

I'm hoping that this iPad along with the new features of IOS 11 will mean that i won't have to upgrade my laptop and can leave it behind. Drag and drop looks great as do the improvements to the Notes app.
Yea i also keep coming back to the 12.9" option, simply because of multitasking and i want to be able to do more on the screen. I'm not sure why Apple decided to add a higher storage option of 512GB (not complaining i think it's a great idea) maybe it's because of the Files app and knowing that people will store more on the device with it?

I'm hoping that this iPad along with the new features of IOS 11 will mean that i won't have to upgrade my laptop and can leave it behind. Drag and drop looks great as do the improvements to the Notes app.

i think this could be the start of something great in terms of the iPad replacing laptops. it still has ways to go but i think it can get there.

i do like my MacBook pro as i type this one here. however once i start using my pro 12.9 with the smart keyboard chances are i could stop using my MacBook.
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