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Are you waiting for a new iMac?

  • Yes, for a 20''

    Votes: 14 8.2%
  • Yes, for a 24''

    Votes: 82 48.2%
  • Yes, not sure which one yet

    Votes: 19 11.2%
  • No, I am not going to buy an iMac

    Votes: 28 16.5%
  • No, not waiting, but I will follow any upgrades and might be buying

    Votes: 27 15.9%

  • Total voters
Time for Apple to come up with a new desktop which falls between the Pro and the iMac though.

I'm going for the Pro myself....
Look at the polls!

God, i've been visiting macrumors every few hours hoping to get some good news that the new iMac is getting release!

"patience is virtue... patience is virtue... patience is virtue..."
The thing to look at, from an Apple perspective, is the numbers from here alone who are holding back from buying an iMac due to the "upcoming" refresh.

We have 7 people, myself included, waiting on a new 20".

We have 43 people waiting on a new 24".

And we have 7 people who will buy an iMac, but are as yet undecided.

I use the Macworld UK forums as well as this one, and there's on user on there who is very much for the "death" of the iMac in favour of a headless Mac unit allowing you to purchase an Apple Cinema Display or third party display to go with it. I, personally, am against that option but he cites the fact Apple's desktop sales have plummeted in the run up to the end of 2008. I think that the numbers above prove that it's not that more people are opting for notebooks, as the aforementioned user mentioned, but that more and more people are holding off on their purchase for fear of paying for a model superseded within weeks.

From this forum alone, at this moment in time, Apple stand to make:

20" iMac: £782/$1199 (entry level model) x 7 = £5474/$8393.
24" iMac: £1125/$1799 (entry level model) x 43 = £48,375/$77,357.

Total: £53,849/$85,750.

That's ASSUMING people go for the entry level model on both sizes of iMac, and that's not including the other 7 users here who are undecided in what model to buy.

That's not bad going for a single little forum like ourselves.
I bought my 24'' iMac on December and it's like a dream. I am waiting to see the upgrades if any...
No built-in display for my desktop computer

I'm waiting for an upgrade to the Mac mini. I want to control the quality and size of the display for my desktop computer.
how about an option "I was waiting, but bought when there weren't new ones on Jan 6th and wont regret it one bit?"

That's the ''No, not waiting'' one. ;)

Having just finished two websites I've been working on via my freelance design work, I have £800 set aside for a new iMac.

I currently use a 17" Intel Core Duo iMac (white), which has served me well. It still zips along nicely, doesn't get too bogged down by "spinning beachballs", but I would still like CS3 programs to move a little quicker and more fluently than it does right now.

I bought my current iMac in February 2006 when it first came into stores (well, PC World in Glasgow anyway). As you'll know we now have an Apple store in Glasgow City Centre, and every time I'm in the City Centre I am drawn in "just for a look" ... but with £800 burning a hole in my pocket.

I'm getting a little bit fed up hanging on for a new model of iMac and, having compared what's in the current 20" entry level model to what I'm using now, the step up in spec would be greatly appreciated. I am seriously considering biting the bullet and just buying now, the other reason being that I'm worried the entry level price could increase from the present £782 given the weaker rate of the £ versus the $.

And then there's another thought entering my head, which is that I could just keep faith with my current iMac and buy a PAYG iPhone 3G for £349 to replace my 1G iPod Touch. No ... No ... No ... new Mac for web development must come first!

You can also sell your current iMac, and buy an little-bit-better iMac, or a 24'', or the low-end iMac + iPhone:D Just a thought. :D

I so want a new iMac! Wish I believed them coming end february! :p
That's the ''No, not waiting'' one. ;)

You can also sell your current iMac, and buy an little-bit-better iMac, or a 24'', or the low-end iMac + iPhone:D Just a thought. :D

I so want a new iMac! Wish I believed them coming end february! :p

See, I would sell my current 17" but for a couple of "problems".

The first, and most obvious, is that the Matshita Superdrive in my 17" has died and now only reads CD's. Forget DVD's, forget burning anything, but if you want to import a CD into iTunes, it's great!

The second reason is that I'm in the process of setting up my home office in our spare room here, and have an idea of how I'd like to set up both the 17" iMac and the new 20" iMac, both with Printers and Faxes, or one with Printer and the other the Fax, etc.

The third reason, and this is the funniest one, is that my Wife currently has an old Acer Windows XP laptop that's three years old and is on it's last legs. Therefore, when I move away from the iMac to eat, drink, pee, or sleep she's on it like a vulture checking emails, eBay, Bebo, and the latest gossip on Perez Hilton. This, as you can understand drives me insane since when I leave the Mac it's got Dreamweaver running and when I return there's Celebrity Gossip, Buy It Now Auctions, and other nonsense going on! So having a "second" iMac in the home could be beneficial in that if my Wife has access to this one, it keeps her the hell away from my new one!
I'm waiting for an upgrade to the Mac mini. I want to control the quality and size of the display for my desktop computer.

That's what I'm talking about , it's high time Apple got over using laptop components in desktop machines and made a decent Mini and mid tower, then we can finally be done with this 'all in one' nonsense, it was ok in the nineties!....
That's what I'm talking about , it's high time Apple got over using laptop components in desktop machines and made a decent Mini and mid tower, then we can finally be done with this 'all in one' nonsense, it was ok in the nineties!....

All in one "nonsense" ... you sound like the very guy I was debating with on Macworld UK forums!

I have no desire to return to the PC style setup of having a separate box from the display. I know the Mac Pro is a tower system and that the new 24" Apple Cinema Display is designed to work with the new Macbook models, but for me and a lot of other people the all in one design represents a powerful enough computer in a single unit.

There are a lot of people who use the drop in Desktop sales as an "excuse" to get rid of the iMac and replace it with a more powerful headless Mac unit. The reality is that there is a hell of a lot of people holding off buying the current range of iMac's because of the "pending" update.

As much as some may be against the iMac, for whatever reason, the reality is that I think it's here to stay for the foreseeable future.
I bought my iMac precisely because it was an all-in-one. A quiet, slim, elegant, middle-of-the-line computer system. If anyone needs a standalone tower, get the Mac Pro that's the computer made for your needs and quit your whining.
I bought my iMac precisely because it was an all-in-one. A quiet, slim, elegant, middle-of-the-line computer system. If anyone needs a standalone tower, get the Mac Pro that's the computer made for your needs and quit your whining.

Summed up pretty much spot on ...
Summed up pretty much spot on ...

Except for the price, of course. Just because we don't want an all-in-one doesn't mean we want a powerful 2900$CAD+ desktop workstation. :rolleyes:

The only other option is currently a tiny desktop computer that uses a laptop drive and has extremely outdated GPU that was weak from day one. And here we are, 3 years later, with the same GPU.

Also, computers get outdated much faster than displays. I've been using this VP171s with my last three computers. Why would I want to buy a computer with a built-in display, unless it's a laptop? Not to mention that my desk is too small for a 20" widescreen display, let alone a 20" iMac (which is taller).
Again we are going to xMac discussion. People choose iMac becouse they want desktop. Mini is under powered but nice entry level Mac (but Mini + display costs almost same as entry level iMac). Mac Pro is too high end and expensive. If you have to think do you need Mac Pro, you don't need it. It's only for professional users. And iMac is between 'em, nice and mid-powered beatiful all in one desktop.
just ordered a 24" iMac on Tuesday.

Tired of the waiting and waiting and waiting..
I hate to admit it, but I use a G3 400mhz Graphite iMac. But with a 1G upgrade in memory it does everything I need it to do except it is a little slow in processing and streaming is choppy. But I'm probably going to buy a 24" iMac when it comes out and keep the G3 as a secondary. I've heard that Intel has a new chip (i7?) that will be release sometime around September and they are considering using that in Mac desktops, which I assume includes the iMacs. Thus my delemma--wait until then to buy or get one on the next release that does not have the new chip.
I've heard that Intel has a new chip (i7?) that will be release sometime around September and they are considering using that in Mac desktops, which I assume includes the iMacs. Thus my delemma--wait until then to buy or get one on the next release that does not have the new chip.

Nehalem mobile chips won't show up in the iMacs before the end of 2009, if not early 2010, if you want to wait, wait ;)
[...] Mini is under powered but nice entry level Mac (but Mini + display costs almost same as entry level iMac). [...]

Mac mini 1.83GHz: 649$CAD
Acer X183Hb 18.5-in. LCD Monitor (Costco): 155$CAD.
Apple keyboard: 49$CAD
Logitech mouse (any computer store):about 20$CAD
Total: 873$CAD

20" iMac 2.4GHz: 1299$CAD

Price difference: 426$CAD, which is 65% of the price of the Mac mini. And that's only for a new setup. The Mac mini is targeted at switchers, who already have their display, keyboard and mouse. So for these people, which are supposed to be the target market, the iMac is more like twice the price of the Mac mini.

Now, I know some of you will say "it's not the same computers" (in CPU, GPU, RAM, display size, optical drive, hard drive speed/capacity, etc). However, those are the minimum costs of switching from a Windows PC, depending on if you look at the Mac mini or the iMac.

So please people, stop saying that "price of Mac mini + display = price of iMac". One is 650$CAD, the other is 1300$CAD. And if you get the 1300$CAD one, you end up with a display, keyboard and mouse that you already paid for, that work fine, but that you won't be using anymore.
I hate to admit it, but I use a G3 400mhz Graphite iMac. But with a 1G upgrade in memory it does everything I need it to do except it is a little slow in processing and streaming is choppy. But I'm probably going to buy a 24" iMac when it comes out and keep the G3 as a secondary. I've heard that Intel has a new chip (i7?) that will be release sometime around September and they are considering using that in Mac desktops, which I assume includes the iMacs. Thus my delemma--wait until then to buy or get one on the next release that does not have the new chip.

I use a G3 too .. two of them , although I agree they do most stuff ok, I am buying a new Mini the day they get a makeover (soon I hope) .

tiz getting awfully slow now.....soon have intel goodness though(if they keep firewire in that is)
I think many people are waiting for the new imac, since it is not updated for around 300 days.
I think many people are waiting for the new imac, since it is not updated for around 300 days.

I think more

are waiting for the Mini( 2 years wait!!), damn thats a lot of sales when these two new machines come out . time to buy AAPL me thinks
I downgraded from a so-so single core Windows computer, to a 867MHz iMac G4. It does everything it needs to do (installed Leopard, runs sluggish), but I'm getting used to it now. I'll be so blown away by the sheer superspeed of whatever is in the new iMac. I don't really care what they put in it (yes I do =p), I wish they would release the damned thing already!
I'm also waiting for a new iMac 24". I recently sold my main computer and is now on a temporary super old Powerbook. I was going to buy the current one but after reading the recent rumors I'm holding on.

But what are the sure signs for an update? Does the limited stock tell anything at all? Are there usually greater signs of an update?:confused:
Since this is my first time waiting I'm curious.

I bought the last Powebook model back in 2006. Three weeks later the Macbook with the intel processor was introduced and I don't want to do that mistake again.

But I agree with you all, the wait is almost unbearable...
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