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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jul 20, 2008
Just came across this article on yahoo. this is my favorite quote...

"I imagine we're going to be making fun of the new iPad pretty soon, too."

So ridiculous. They think smart phones will kill iPads, but smartphones are already around! They act like the screen real estate makes no difference, and it DOES. Which is why it's not just a big iPod touch. Whoever wrote that article is on crack.
Thanks for posting that. There's a writer without a clue, lol.

I like to save articles like this and look back at them over time, it's fun to see how far off some predictions are.

Yeah when i read it i thought to myself that this writer would be laughing at himself in a few years for being so wrong.
I hope it happens soon, I'm looking forward to picking them up for $50 each and velcro'ing them to everything in my house.
Now, both Gartner and Forrester Research (NasdaqGS: FORR - News) predict that tablet sales will outstrip those of netbooks, with Forrester expecting a tablet takeover by 2012.

That article doesn't make sense, first they say the iPad will go away, then in the next section it says that tablets will takeover netbooks? :confused:
OP, the article can be right or wrong. I doubt it carries any weight.
Normally, I take the time to setup an account and rail the writer but then Yahoo would have my information and think I care.
Normally, I take the time to setup an account and rail the writer but then Yahoo would have my information and think I care.

SAME HERE! I would never make a yahoo account just to respond to their crap, because it's not worth it. And most of the people who post there are mentally challenged. I see all types of average joe Apple bashing because average joe never used an apple product. theyre so irrational sometimes.
I was just thinking about Yahoo, they used to have a search engine I'd actually use once in a while, an email account, messenger etc. but all that just seemed to fade away...

By the way, another amusing tech news website is :

Anyone heard of them?
1. I saw the article & where I think the iPad may very well drop in size to be more portable than its present configuration, I also think it will take even more miniaturization of the 'innards' if you wil,l so that the smaller iPad dosent lose anything in comparison to the larger.

2. Speaking of Yahoo, what is the/your favorite "homepage" that gives you the widest variety of new, etc etc...
So netbooks and e-readers are becoming extinct because of the iPad which we'll be making fun of soon.

I hope it happens soon, I'm looking forward to picking them up for $50 each and velcro'ing them to everything in my house.

Same here. Every kid and his puppy should have one. And I wouldn't mind giving one each to the hungry kids in Kenya so they can enjoy Angry Birds.
umm no. It has functionality that an iPod touch doesn't, its a completely different device. It can be used as a netbook replacement, a touch cannot.

A "netbook replacement" is a much vaguer term than "large iPod". The iPod Touch with 16GB has the same amount of RAM (256MB) as the iPad and it's the same kind. It has the same type of processor with marginally lower clock speed. It runs the same OS with minimal difference. Neither has a proper file system that can be accessed by the user and both rely on a primary computer to do software upgrades and syncing various tasks. Contrast that with a netbook (since you mentioned it)...

The list of shared attributes would be almost endless. The main differences are in the screen size and the marginal speed increase. Anything else comes after this. Of course, a 100cc scooter is more appropriate for town traffic than a 150cc small bike. But they are essentially the same thing and by no means is the bike can be defined as a Smart car alternative.

(I'm sorry for the scooter/small car thing, I hate it when people compare Macs to certain cars, but this time I think it makes more sense).
I hope this version does fade away...into the next best version. I have been waiting for a true tablet device for years. I hope this spurs competetion to make better, faster, more useable tablet devices. i cant wait for IOS4 on the Ipad.

If soemone else made one this sleek and well thought out with the ability to DIRECT PRINT, I'd buy it today.

right now Appleite engineers are already figuring out how much they can cram into the next version to stay ahead of competition, real or percieved.

And we win

Massive Facepalm.
Despite the fact that I really enjoy my iPad the article has a point about consumers moving toward convergence devices. Prior to the release of 4.3 inch screens on Android phones I would have said that the writer is on crack. However, I can't see *most* people with a 4.3 inch smartphone needing to also purchase a tablet like the iPad. Don't forget there are people on these very forums stating that they don't need an iPad because they already have an iPhone 4. However, I have noticed more than a few posters who initially stated the reverse (since they have an iPad they don't need an iPhone) have gone back and repurchased an iPhone. I don't think the iPad is going to die soon, but I think it *could* become a successful niche product.
Despite the fact that I really enjoy my iPad the article has a point about consumers moving toward convergence devices. Prior to the release of 4.3 inch screens on Android phones I would have said that the writer is on crack. However, I can't see *most* people with a 4.3 inch smartphone needing to also purchase a tablet like the iPad. Don't forget there are people on these very forums stating that they don't need an iPad because they already have an iPhone 4. However, I have noticed more than a few posters who initially stated the reverse (since they have an iPad they don't need an iPhone) have gone back and repurchased an iPhone. I don't think the iPad is going to die soon, but I think it *could* become a successful niche product.

Interesting. I honestly think if there's a form factor that could trump the iPad, it would be around the 7 inch size category. A lot of the "regular Joes" that have a use for the iPad are using these "for content consumption, creation, communication". We have book reading, magazines, comic books, doing an hour or so of word documents, even drawing and painting. Smoking Apples did a cool article a few hours ago about the iPad trying to be a saving vessel for the dwindling publishing industry. So yeah, I can't imagine our uncles and grannys squinting and doing full email on 4.3 inch phones. Much more for comfortable reading content and textbooks. There's definitely a race and smart phones are getting powerful every few months. But the iPad is also gonna be updated every year. I'll be happy if there'll be a powerful tablet competitor that could sport a full OS, and do better than the iPad in the market so as to get the Apple engineers on their toes and not to dilly dally on giving us a better iPad experience with a powerful "near laptap" OS. But is the iPad on its way to extinction because of touchscreen phones the size of the Evo? No way. We've only seen the beginning of what the future iPads are capable of.
Based on my own experience (which every marketing guy has told me is the least reliable thing to base a market opinion on), the iPad will turn out to be the prototype of the most ubiquitous computing/communication device ten years from now.

Somebody should laminate that Yahoo blurb to hang on the museum wall next to the "Dewey Beats Truman" headline.
Based on my own experience (which every marketing guy has told me is the least reliable thing to base a market opinion on), the iPad will turn out to be the prototype of the most ubiquitous computing/communication device ten years from now.


The iPad is wildly successful. Ten years from now we will realize this has been the tablet decade. Most people will use tablets and only specialists will use laptops. So yes, ten years from now the current iPad will look quaint, but so does the original iPod almost ten years after it was first introduced. But look at the iPod touch of today! So too, the iPad of ten years from now will amaze us.

Netbooks were a fad because they compromised too much in the areas where people cared a lot. They gave you portability, but took away ease of use and capacity. That's a fad. The iPad is only limited by the imagination of the app developers. It isn't going anywhere no matter how many click-trolling writers claim otherwise.
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