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it's going to fade away, I KNEW IT! I should have listened to all the nay sayers, "it's just a big iPod Touch", but no me and millions of others bought into the hype, drank the kool aid, purchased our lemming tool, and made SJ even more wealthier:eek:, HOW COULD WE HAVE BEEN SO BLIND!!!!
Now after falling in love with our lil gaget, IT's......GOING AWAY????
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,Noooooooooooooooooo! Say it ain't so!:rolleyes:;)
Interesting. I honestly think if there's a form factor that could trump the iPad, it would be around the 7 inch size category.
I'm actually one of those hoping for a move in the opposite direction. I'd prefer an even larger iPad (say a 14" - the size of an 8.5"x11" sheet of paper) but only after improvements decrease the weight of a device that size even more.

I'm sure there's probably a market for 7" iPads (and they'll probably be at a lower cost), but personally, that makes me even less interested.

As for the original topic - Yahoo is still around? I remember they were all that back in the mid-90's. Haven't bothered going there in over a decade. I guess they would be experts in fading technologies. :D
I'm actually one of those hoping for a move in the opposite direction. I'd prefer an even larger iPad (say a 14" - the size of an 8.5"x11" sheet of paper) but only after improvements decrease the weight of a device that size even more.

I'm sure there's probably a market for 7" iPads (and they'll probably be at a lower cost), but personally, that makes me even less interested.

As for the original topic - Yahoo is still around? I remember they were all that back in the mid-90's. Haven't bothered going there in over a decade. I guess they would be experts in fading technologies. :D

I was in a meeting friday and a guy two rows over from me was typing with the BT keyboard on the Ipad against the wall on a small table. I was using mine im my lap with a stylus making notes. A couple of laptops there, but I was feeling really at home. I thought a little larger, some direct printing and easier file sharing, this thing could be the template for a long term general use device, just as laptops and phones are now
Pretty much the whole article is dumb. Game consoles will die and be overtaken by..smartphones? Seriously?
I have been in two meetings in the last week where the majority of people had iPads and all loved them. Mine has pretty much replaced my laptop on most days.
I would reiterate what was posted earlier. I would prefer a slightly larger one because I am starting to really like not using a mouse and touching the screen to move, magnify and scroll.
As far as the phone being the integrated device of the future I have doubts. After some time with both my iPhone and iPad I must say that while my iPhone is still my phone and text message device, everything else is being assumed by my iPad. Even at home when just web browsing and e-mail checking I prefer it over my laptop.
Just came across this article on yahoo. this is my favorite quote...

"I imagine we're going to be making fun of the new iPad pretty soon, too."

So ridiculous. They think smart phones will kill iPads, but smartphones are already around! They act like the screen real estate makes no difference, and it DOES. Which is why it's not just a big iPod touch. Whoever wrote that article is on crack.

Article says one thing, steve jobs will say another. Stick with the source son not some pundit:cool:
I'm actually one of those hoping for a move in the opposite direction. I'd prefer an even larger iPad (say a 14" - the size of an 8.5"x11" sheet of paper) but only after improvements decrease the weight of a device that size even more.

I'm sure there's probably a market for 7" iPads (and they'll probably be at a lower cost), but personally, that makes me even less interested.

Funny I made my post before actually knowing there's a 7incher rumor in the front page. Anyway, if ever that will come to fruition, that'll just be Apple's move to clump in on the Nook, Kindle and other cheaper eReader devices because I'm pretty sure that smaller iPad will be competitively priced that the masses can afford. Sort of like a poor man's version of the 9.7" iPad. The bigger brother will still have the premium features thus making it the better device for content consumption and content creation.

There's no contest. Imagine a few years from now when majority of our newspapers and magazines are in digital content. Education and textbooks will follow. Cloud based media content will be 5 times better than what we have now. Majority of the tablets (not only Apple's) would be as powerful as the current i5 processor. Full force OSX in iPads. The possibilities are all there a few years down the line. Right now some of the concerns are pricing. But still, the iPad market is rising, and rising fast. Have you guys seen the latest Asus executives complaints about the iPad cannibalizing the Eee PC netbook sales? We are witnessing the rapid growth of the iPad and it's ruthless.
I have to admit that my iPad is used a lot less that it was when I first got it. Nothing like a full ledged laptop. The iPad is nice but unless it lets me download documents it makes it had to work with.
We have to realize that technology and computers are evolving fast, with bascially new things coming out each day, you think 5 years ago in 2005 we had "real" Mobile Phone OS's? Heck, all the cell phone could do was make calls, text, and could take VGA pictures on relatively top of line phones 5 years ago. We were lucky if they had WiFi, or a "real" OS. iPods 5 years ago still had monochrome screens except for the nano which came out later in 2005. In 10 years, we will probably have computers that could exceed anything and could do anything and we will probably have the technology to do almost anything. The iPad will definately die, but not too soon.
A "netbook replacement" is a much vaguer term than "large iPod". The iPod Touch with 16GB has the same amount of RAM (256MB) as the iPad and it's the same kind. It has the same type of processor with marginally lower clock speed. It runs the same OS with minimal difference. Neither has a proper file system that can be accessed by the user and both rely on a primary computer to do software upgrades and syncing various tasks. Contrast that with a netbook (since you mentioned it)...

The list of shared attributes would be almost endless. The main differences are in the screen size and the marginal speed increase. Anything else comes after this. Of course, a 100cc scooter is more appropriate for town traffic than a 150cc small bike. But they are essentially the same thing and by no means is the bike can be defined as a Smart car alternative.

(I'm sorry for the scooter/small car thing, I hate it when people compare Macs to certain cars, but this time I think it makes more sense).

Interesting I wasn't aware that my iPod touch used an A4 processor...
One thing that The author mentions, and I have heard or read from other so called experts, is the migration of all our viewing media to the cloud. They are so blind, they go on and on about the death of the DVD disk and how everything will be had on demand over the internet.

Maybe they don't have this issue but download caps now almost ubiquitous across all services (my cable internet access is capped, my sprint acct is capped at 5GB, my ipad att acct is capped at 2gb) how on earth are we supposed to watch more than a couple of HD movies sourced from the web per month? Let alone any tv over ip or other video content.

I can see it, tv and movie content becomes free (or near free) over the internet but we will see access bills in the hundreds of dollars...either that or a complete change of viewing habits.
I love the iPad more and more as the minute hand on the clock ticks and ticks and ticks. I'm usually not mean to people (unless you seriously drive like an idiot) but I must say that this writer has lost his mind and needs to actually use one first and then write such comments.
What you call A4 is actually an ancient A8.

Sorry for the double post but I saw this after posting the last one.

I wasn't aware of the A4 being an ancient A8... thanks for the info. However the touch is underclocked to 600mhz correct?

Lol... now only if the Audi A4 turned out to be an ancient A8 (which in features wise makes sense but power wise doesn't - for those who will argue saying yes).
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