Loving this thread as I am in the EXACT same boat as the OP. I have an early 2008 17" MBP that I have been using for work as a photographer, and videographer for years now. I also have a (what used to be) high end PC gaming rig that I built from scratch:
See the Build Log here!
But I have decided that:
A) I need more power from my Mac for rendering, and processing which means a Mac Pro. The Mac Pro will run Final Cut Pro7, After Effects, Photoshop, lightroom, etc etc
B) I do not want to have two towers under my desk. therefor I intend to sell off my PC Gaming rig, and run Bootcamp on my Mac Pro. After reading this post it sort of makes me not want to do it anymore as people are basically downgrading the performance of a Mac Pro for gaming.
I had started another thread asking people which processor was better for both of my applications (Work & Gaming) and the general response was to get a higher end quad core, beef up the RAM, and upgrade the GPU. But some people are still telling me to go with the dual CPU options like an 8 core and I will be more future proof. For instance, if I ever decide to switch to Final Cut Pro X I would be able to take advantage of the multiple CPU's / Cores.
Lastly... I have been reading threads about the next refresh of the Mac Pro, and whether it will even happen, etc etc... I am so ready to buy, but I will be so annoyed if they release the new Mac Pros a month after my purchase, and my return date expires! (Happened when i bought my iPad!)
Anyway... Great thread. I am perplexed.