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macrumors 6502a
Dec 7, 2003
Houston, TX
So in my photo. (well, not of me, my brother) we payed him $20 to go roll in the snow... with not much on... At the time it was 13º F and he got a few scrapes because of the ice. He had to stay in the snow for 30 seconds in order to get the money.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
javabear90 said:
So in my photo. (well, not of me, my brother) we payed him $20 to go roll in the snow... with not much on... At the time it was 13º F and he got a few scrapes because of the ice. He had to stay in the snow for 30 seconds in order to get the money.

Good grief!! I don't think even if you paid me $50.00 I'd be willing to do that! Brrrrr!

Did he suffer any ill effects afterward?


macrumors 65816
Oct 9, 2002
Clix Pix said:
Did he suffer any ill effects afterward?

I'm surprised he didn't stay stuck to the ice at 19°F. :eek:

Maybe we need to enforce max model rates for the assignments? :p :p

Nice scene. And yes, it does look cold. Brrrr.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location said:

I think this looks pretty cold, it was -20 Celsius (plus wind) when I took it.

Fredericton, NB, looking over the St. John River if anyone is wondering.
New Brunswick is definitely the place to be if you want a cold image. I like yours and Snap58's icicle photo the best. ;)

Its a bit difficult for me to get a shot because it's very sunny and somewhat warm where I live right now. That's not to say that I can't be creative, but I'm a bit busy to be creative right now. :(


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2001
NJ Highlands, Earth
Morning News

Finally got a thin dusting of snow last night, just in time for this assignment. Otherwise, I'd have to lie and say that man's best friend wasn't a stock photo :)

I'm having some challenges in how to take a quick shot and do something good with it...this is a bit of a crop, although it could probably stand to have some more go, since the foreground is out of focus.

My working title is "morning news", which plays on the (yellow) newspaper laying in the driveway as well as the overnight dusting which was missed by our weathermen:




Due to a lack of anything that looks cold, e.g. settling snow and the like, I took this this afternoon looking over Hyde Park as the sun set. It was bloody freezing! Hopefully this conveys a winter sunset as opposed to a random one....



macrumors G4
Original poster
-hh I love that shot - and good tyres you have!

Clix Pix I've swithered over which of the Ice on Ice pics I preferred. I've gone from preferring the one with more of the reflection to the other with more of the texture. I'm still stuck. I love the cold 'sickness' one too - I'd considered creating something with a mass of tissues but then it was a little too graphic.

Lau It was freezing today and it does look wintry. Great colours in the sunset.

javabear90 Amazing shot - and not just for convincing him to strip down![/b]

I failed miserably to get a shot that I felt summed up the theme despite carrying the camera around for the past few days. What's the bets that now it's over, I'll find the perfect shot tomorrow!


macrumors 6502
Oct 6, 2005
Lakewood, Washington
javabear90 said:

Indeed, cold.

<side note>
Just checking your Photography on your Web site and love the shot in Costa Rica at Manual Antonio Beach! Shame it's gone up to 20.00USD to get in for the day. The green waters of the Pacific or the Carribean blue and transparency, hard choice. ;)

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Applespider: I couldn't make my mind up either about which of the two "ice" images I preferred, hence I submitted both of them!

Thought for a few days how I'd execute the "cold" one, and at first I thought of using a human sufferer, possibly a closeup of a red, sniffly nose honking into a tissue, but then decided that might be a bit "much," and so opted for the tabletop still life version instead. Got the message across in a cleaner, less graphic way! :)

Sorry you couldn't come up with anything. It was unexpectedly more difficult than one might think, especially if there were no handy snow or ice around!

Tomorrow being March 1st, I guess we now move on to the next assignment, yes?


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2001
NJ Highlands, Earth
Applespider said:
I failed miserably to get a shot that I felt summed up the theme despite carrying the camera around for the past few days. What's the bets that now it's over, I'll find the perfect shot tomorrow!

Murphy's Law says that you will find that shot. But take it anyway, as it can always be part of your 'stock' photography bin.

FWIW, since there's nothing officially on the line, I think we can forgive a late addition or two...and with the assignment rolling to a close, we can also discuss the idea of "The shot I was looking for, but couldn't find"

For example, I was hoping on finding a gaggle of kids at a bus stop on a dead-still morning, where you would be able to see the fogs of their breaths.

Barring that, but still on the 'smoking cold' theme, the smoke from a chimney.



Staff member
Apr 18, 2004
Somewhere over the rainbow
Someone in this post (can´t remember who now) said "only a couple days left". I thought we were to start posting today, the 1st of March???

The reason I ask, is I´ve finally gotten over my various ailments, and was planning on shooting this weekend. Could someone fill me in on the time frame here? I was looking forward to participating.

Sorry!!! I´ve probably not been paying precise enough attention...

And ClixPix, your second shot (of the doll with a cold) really made me laugh! I´ll take a better look at all the other great shots this weekend...


macrumors G4
Original poster
annk said:
Could someone fill me in on the time frame here? I was looking forward to participating.

We were trying to get this back to a monthly schedule with as much time as possible for taking pictures.

So Assignment 2 - Cold - was scheduled to 'finish' on 28 Feb and we'd start thinking up topics for Assignment 3. We'll get that agreed early next week and then we'll have 3 weeks or so to take pictures this time.


Staff member
Apr 18, 2004
Somewhere over the rainbow
Ok, thanks for the info. I´ll join in from the next one then (though with 1 meter of snow in my yard and absolutely beautiful snow drifts from all the wind, I ought to have been able to find something "chilling"...) :eek:
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