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Vote for May's photo assignment

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tektonnic said:
where as water I feel is going to prompt half-cocked artistic reflections and pictures of puddles...

"Art" is in the eye of the beholder as well as in the mind of the artist.

"Half-cocked..." now THERE's an idea! Someone can shoot a scene of water and deliberately cock it at a strange angle.... :D :D

Will be waiting with bated breath to see what image YOU produce for this assignment....
Abstract said:
I can already see it: lots of photos of bad reflections from water. It can be interesting, though.

Can you explain the "relationship"? I'm trying to see it. "Strawberries and creme" I do understand, though. Same with any 2 objects that might "go together", or work together. Heck, even a man typing on his keyboard would be something I'd understand. I'm just having a hard time understanding the sign.

Are you unable to look at the entire image, note the two objects in the image and note that the line drawing is an attempt to emulate the large red/blue object? It's the same shape.... That's the relationship. Guess you don't do too well on those tests where you have to figure out "a is to c" what "x is to ---? " and pick out the similar pair.
Clix Pix said:
Will be waiting with bated breath to see what image YOU produce for this assignment....

Not meaning to sound like I'm throwing toys out of prams but I dont think I can be arsed to take pictures of water, it doesnt interest me in the slightest, thats why I wanted relationships, because people are fascinating. :)
tektonnic said:
Not meaning to sound like I'm throwing toys out of prams but I dont think I can be arsed to take pictures of water, it doesnt interest me in the slightest, thats why I wanted relationships, because people are fascinating. :) we select the topic as being "water," but that does not have to be taken literally, and it does not mean simply that one runs to the nearest body of water and takes a picture of it..... You remind me of the guy in my PHT 101 class who, when assigned "Light" as the topic, brought in a photo of a lightbulb!!

Can you reframe your thinking so that you are considering this topic in terms of water being an element in the image? For instance, you could shoot a photograph of two people kissing under an umbrella in the pouring rain. That's using "water" in the image. Or a gorgeous sun rising over a pond on a beautiful morning with a silhouetted fisherman holding his pole. Perhaps a tilted boat filled with water that is gushing out of one end. That's incorporating "water" as an essential element in the image. See what I mean?

Start thinking about YOU could creatively approach this particular topic and how you could indeed still have people in it, could convey relationships within it, include all kinds of other elements....
Or a swimmer, or a close up of someone's face as they've splashed their face with water, someone crying, a sweaty runner, etc, etc.
Clix Pix said: we select the topic as being "water," but that does not have to be taken literally, and it does not mean simply that one runs to the nearest body of water and takes a picture of it..... You remind me of the guy in my PHT 101 class who, when assigned "Light" as the topic, brought in a photo of a lightbulb!!

Can you reframe your thinking so that you are considering this topic in terms of water being an element in the image? For instance, you could shoot a photograph of two people kissing under an umbrella in the pouring rain. That's using "water" in the image. Or a gorgeous sun rising over a pond on a beautiful morning with a silhouetted fisherman holding his pole. Perhaps a tilted boat filled with water that is gushing out of one end. That's incorporating "water" as an essential element in the image. See what I mean?

Start thinking about YOU could creatively approach this particular topic and how you could indeed still have people in it, could convey relationships within it, include all kinds of other elements....

I dont really want to start an arguement over this, I ended my last post with :) offering a agree to disagree option but you thought you'd lay into me perosnally anyway, did I say anything nasty about your personal creativeness, no.
tektonnic said:
I dont really want to start an arguement over this, I ended my last post with :) offering a agree to disagree option but you thought you'd lay into me perosnally anyway, did I say anything nasty about your personal creativeness, no.

Hey, you must be feeling prickly today! I see nothing in my post that suggests I was "laying into you" at all. Huh? I was trying to help you, give you some ideas to get your creative juices flowing.... you were complaining in a way which suggests that you've been assuming that the assignment involved just taking photos of bodies of water. I was simply providing some ideas with ways you could fulfill the assignment while still being able to have what you want, too, since you are so keen on photographing people, especially people in relationships.... There's nothing stopping you from doing that, and in fact if you want to skip this assignment and go shoot people in relationships and start a thread with your images and inviting others to join, be my guest.
baby duck monge said:
It's not just the sign; it's also the illustration thing next to the sign. See how it mirrors the shape? They are related in form, but still completely different from one another.

Thanks for taking the words from my mouth. The key in your post is "related". From

- The condition or fact of being related; connection or association.
- Connection by blood or marriage; kinship.
- A particular type of connection existing between people related to or having dealings with each other: has a close relationship with his siblings.
- A romantic or sexual involvement.

Maybe if we are going to have single word themes/assignments it might be helpful to provide dictionary meanings in order to gain some insight on an approach.

yellow said:
Perhaps it's too... Abstract? ;)

LOL. A good joke, but lets not be too harsh on Abstract here. He asked a question, and hope that the answers have helped him understand my photo.

Art is a subjective thing. Just as I did not "get" his shoes on a telephone wire, he did not see the "relationship" of the sign post and the drawing on the wall.

Reminds me of a class on the history of photography. We were required to visit current exhibits and place comments in a class forum. There was an exhibit at the National Women's Museum with a variety of women photographers.

I was moved by one piece that showed a Barbie doll "sunning" herself on a bed of french fries. I and many others saw the message of the desire for "perfection of beauty", against the realities of modern life. The struggle for the "perfect body" verses the fatty food culture, and all that it means for women's self image and the disastrous road that the two can bring for women.

A lone male in our class thought that it was a waste of film and paper. He never saw what the rest of us saw. Was he wrong? Not in my mind.

I think it was in SF at SFMOMA that I saw an exhibit of several panels that were painted white, IIRC. The narrative stated that these panels had been repainted to "preserve" the artists "intent". I just saw a series of white painted panels, IIRC no real brush strokes to add any feeling to the series.

Many more examples from that class, and in other media, I could give that left me wondering how one can become "famous" in with my photography.
tektonnic said:
Not meaning to sound like I'm throwing toys out of prams but I dont think I can be arsed to take pictures of water, it doesnt interest me in the slightest, thats why I wanted relationships, because people are fascinating. :)

Maybe it could be suggested that the monthly assignment "themes" have the two highest votes cast then? Much like the "insanity" and "metal" assignment themes this past month?

It is up to the leaders of the assignment threads. But others putting input in to the discussion may allow you to pursue the topic that interest you.

{Sorry for a quick second post, I just find very long posts tend to get lost. So I thought I would seperate my post to my logic. Hope that is OK.}

Here are some of my past examples that might fit "relationships" or "water" (no not together, you all will have to decide how they fit each theme).


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Clix Pix said:
Are you unable to look at the entire image, note the two objects in the image and note that the line drawing is an attempt to emulate the large red/blue object? It's the same shape.... That's the relationship. Guess you don't do too well on those tests where you have to figure out "a is to c" what "x is to ---? " and pick out the similar pair.

Actually, I've scored incredibly well at those tests. ;)

Maybe I'm just interpreting the topic a bit different. For example, I wouldn't call a building and it's reflection in water a "relationship" because there's no interaction or synergy between them, but from what you're saying, you'd say that there was a relationship, so that's fine. As long as others can see it.

tektonnic said:
...did I say anything nasty about your personal creativeness, no.
I think some people just having one of those days. Yes, her, but it includes you as well. ;)
Abstract said:
Maybe I'm just interpreting the topic a bit different. For example, I wouldn't call a building and it's reflection in water a "relationship" because there's no interaction or synergy between them, but from what you're saying, you'd say that there was a relationship, so that's fine. As long as others can see it.

I don't think the examples I gave are as far off the beam as the one just mentioned here. Well, no, there usually would not be a "relationship" perceived between a building and its reflection in water, and I don't believe that my examples suggested such a thing. However, one can incorporate several elements within a given photograph, so that if you guys who are so hot to do something with the idea of "relationships" want, there are plenty of ways to do this while still including water in some way....

I wish you all would stop being so bloody-minded about this and put your energy into thinking about creative ways in which to visually present the topic.
Abstract said:
Actually, I've scored incredibly well at those tests. ;)

As have I. :)

Maybe I'm just interpreting the topic a bit different. For example, I wouldn't call a building and it's reflection in water a "relationship" because there's no interaction or synergy between them, but from what you're saying, you'd say that there was a relationship, so that's fine. As long as others can see it.

Maybe you are interjecting too much of your own personal bias and views in post by others (like myself). Photography should be about the art. And art means different things to different people.

Not to rehash old "feelings"; but this is why I felt that a more inclusive nature was needed in the assignment threads. The assignment threads should be about IMO sharing ones views photographically (IMO - past or present- but that has been discussed way too much perhaps). That is why I will share past images that I think will spark discussion on a "theme/themes"; since they would not be allowed in the actual assignment posting thread.

Trying to respect the limits of those that post the original idea for these types of threads. As JSW asked us to.

I think some people just having one of those days. Yes, her, but it includes you as well. ;)

Some may end up feeling the same about you in the end. Not an attack, but an observation. IMO (and maybe in others too), you seem to take the offensive on so many topics here on MR. But that does not matter, for the topic at hand is the DPF.

As an example, my post of the "sign and art" image. You felt that it did not meet your definition of a "relationship"; and that was your right. But at least two posts (plus mine with a definition) called in to question your interpretation. Not that you need to defend yourself; but better insight as to why these views differed from yours would further help in the discussion of the themes.

Not trying to fan the flames of the past, I am truly not trying to do that. But from what I understand you and Applespider are working jointly on the assignment threads. If I am wrong, forgive me. But if you are, there is a need to be more open to different interpretations of the assignment themes than you seem to have as of now.

Keep in mind that in marketing, there are those that feel strongly (like I do) and will voice strong opinions (like I do); and those that will remain silent, and go with the flow.

You may be happy with those that remain silent,but if your goal is to reach out to many more - then those you disagree with are the ones you should try to reach. It took me a couple of weeks to understand this in regards to the photo threads here on MR.

In the end, I have a decent library of images IMO to provide some food for thought. And with Applespider and your involvement in the assignments - I do hope to add to that library.

I would just ask that you try to be more supportive than this post:

Abstract said:
^^Wow, that's a loose interpretation of the word "relationship" you got there. Could be just me, though, but I'll use the smiley anyway, because this is what I am ---> :confused:

You could have asked a simple question of:

So how does this support "relationship"? I fail to see how this fits the "theme". Maybe I missed something.

I know that I am not perfect. I am sure that there were times that I was less than gracious. But since last week, I am trying to be better in my responses. Perfect, no. Better, yes.
Chip NoVaMac said:
Maybe you are interjecting too much of your own personal bias and views in post by others (like myself). Photography should be about the art. And art means different things to different people.

About the 1st part, no. I have already pretty much said we can agree to see things in a different way in my last post, and I really still don't get it. It's not bias. Father and son, a bee and a flower, a bird eating a worm, a man typing on his computer, instant messaging....are all examples of relationships to me because of either interaction or synergy. A sign and a drawing of it beside it isn't something I understand, that's all. Learn to live with it. I really don't want it mentioned again and am surprised I had to even respond to another post about it.

I haven't seen things in the same way as Clix Pix at other times, so no biggie. She can get into a hufuffle about me not understanding it, but no biggie for me, either. ;) My "nature in unexpected places" photo was a bottle of a green "scent" called "Belief - Herbacious", and Clix Pix didn't think that was acceptable then, either. I thought it was, but tried to post something else anyway simply because she didn't get it. It's not a bias, just that we see things differently.

And don't bring it all back up. You did so many times in your last post, I'm absolutely amazed.

And I always reply to posts like that (which you quoted) in every forum in this board. You don't have to like it, nor does anyone else for that matter. I can't be bothered to worry about how everyone else sees me, but don't be under the impression that I'm being different around here because it's the Photography forum. ;)

I'm not working on helping these assignments because I don't really see the benefit for anyone if I do. It doesn't matter who does the work, IMO. As long as someone's making the really simple decisions, this assignment idea will always function.
Last month's assignment was a special case since there were two equal votes at the end of it - rather than wasting time with tiebreakers, we just kept two.

This month let's only go with the one that won; otherwise what's the point in voting? We can have a debate over it (either way the second choice should also be in the voting for next month)

Chip - one idea I've been mulling over which might provide you with a place to put good past pictures of the theme to spark imagination - is to have a Gallery: Water thread or Gallery: Assignment topic one - which could be linked to the assignment but where people could put earlier pictures. We kinda did it before but perhaps having stronger links might work well - and easier topic to relate to. My only concern with doing it is might it stop people thinking about what might work well on their own.
Applespider said:
Chip - one idea I've been mulling over which might provide you with a place to put good past pictures of the theme to spark imagination - is to have a Gallery: Water thread or Gallery: Assignment topic one - which could be linked to the assignment but where people could put earlier pictures. We kinda did it before but perhaps having stronger links might work well - and easier topic to relate to. My only concern with doing it is might it stop people thinking about what might work well on their own.

Actually, I am hoping that sharing in the poll thread as I have lately is maybe the best place for them.
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