Abstract said:
Actually, I've scored incredibly well at those tests.
As have I.
Maybe I'm just interpreting the topic a bit different. For example, I wouldn't call a building and it's reflection in water a "relationship" because there's no interaction or synergy between them, but from what you're saying, you'd say that there was a relationship, so that's fine. As long as others can see it.
Maybe you are interjecting too much of your own personal bias and views in post by others (like myself). Photography should be about the art. And art means different things to different people.
Not to rehash old "feelings"; but this is why I felt that a more inclusive nature was needed in the assignment threads. The assignment threads should be about IMO sharing ones views photographically (IMO - past or present- but that has been discussed way too much perhaps). That is why I will share past images that I think will spark discussion on a "theme/themes"; since they would not be allowed in the actual assignment posting thread.
Trying to respect the limits of those that post the original idea for these types of threads. As JSW asked us to.
I think some people just having one of those days. Yes, her, but it includes you as well.
Some may end up feeling the same about you in the end. Not an attack, but an observation. IMO (and maybe in others too), you seem to take the offensive on so many topics here on MR. But that does not matter, for the topic at hand is the DPF.
As an example, my post of the "sign and art" image. You felt that it did not meet your definition of a "relationship"; and that was your right. But at least two posts (plus mine with a definition) called in to question your interpretation. Not that you need to defend yourself; but better insight as to why these views differed from yours would further help in the discussion of the themes.
Not trying to fan the flames of the past, I am truly not trying to do that. But from what I understand you and Applespider are working jointly on the assignment threads. If I am wrong, forgive me. But if you are, there is a need to be more open to different interpretations of the assignment themes than you seem to have as of now.
Keep in mind that in marketing, there are those that feel strongly (like I do) and will voice strong opinions (like I do); and those that will remain silent, and go with the flow.
You may be happy with those that remain silent,but if your goal is to reach out to many more - then those you disagree with are the ones you should try to reach. It took me a couple of weeks to understand this in regards to the photo threads here on MR.
In the end, I have a decent library of images IMO to provide some food for thought. And with Applespider and your involvement in the assignments - I do hope to add to that library.
I would just ask that you try to be more supportive than this post:
Abstract said:
^^Wow, that's a loose interpretation of the word "relationship" you got there. Could be just me, though, but I'll use the smiley anyway, because this is what I am --->
You could have asked a simple question of:
So how does this support "relationship"? I fail to see how this fits the "theme". Maybe I missed something.
I know that I am not perfect. I am sure that there were times that I was less than gracious. But since last week, I am trying to be better in my responses. Perfect, no. Better, yes.