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macrumors G4
Original poster
June's assignment is Contrasts. The idea is that members will go out and try to find their own way of interpreting the monthly theme thus improving their photographic eye. Posting is open to all MR members, and encouraged.

You must have taken the picture yourself between 6 and 30 June. If you took a picture that fits the assignment but was taken earlier, then post it in the Gallery: Contrasts thread instead.

Anyone can enter from those with (D)SLRs from P&S to cameraphones although they should be pictures that you think are good rather than just snapshots. The goal is not to 'win' but to share the enjoyment of taking pictures and learn from others.

Some basic rules on commenting (basically be nice!) are listed. Changes to the rules should be discussed there just as remarks about the topic(s) chosen should be kept in the poll thread. Let's keep this thread just pictures and comments if possible

Post your pictures in this thread by the end of June with a title and we'll start commenting (make sure you title your comments referencing the pic you are commenting on)


macrumors 6502
Jan 29, 2006
somewhere in kansas
Let's Start

Well, why wait for some "journalistic theme" on contrast, I think this has some "contrasting" elements...


  • DL_MG_5981.jpg
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macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2006
London, UK

snap58 said:
Well, why wait for some "journalistic theme" on contrast,
This one is quite challenging. I am still waiting for the right shot.
snap58 said:
I think this has some "contrasting" elements...
Beautiful! I love the detail. Really sharp with gorgeous bokeh. Do you care to share kit + exif?


macrumors 6502
Jan 29, 2006
somewhere in kansas
cookie1105 said:
This one is quite challenging. I am still waiting for the right shot.

Beautiful! I love the detail. Really sharp with gorgeous bokeh. Do you care to share kit + exif?

Thank you very much.

Canon 5D
iso 400
135 mm 2.0

It really does do a nice job on the background when wide open and maintain good color and sharpness, it is fast becoming my favorite garden lens.

I guess everyone must be waiting for that "just right" photo. Not sure why that is, I think you can submit more than one? I hope people aren't holding off for fear of the "IMO" comments, in that their photo may not fit the "contrast" subject as some may see it?

There can be contrast in any number of elements of a photo, light/dark, focus, texture, composition, etc., as well as contrasting subject matter if you feel that is what is required.

As an exercise try and take a photo without some "contrasting" elements in it, that would be a tough assignment and would end with a lot of blank wall and sky pictures.

I like to come here and see what photos others are taking and how, and why, what they were thinking and so on. You have some nice work and I would love to see more of it. So lets get moving. : )

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
snap58 said:
Thank you very much.

Canon 5D
iso 400
135 mm 2.0

It really does do a nice job on the background when wide open and maintain good color and sharpness, it is fast becoming my favorite garden lens.

Love your first post to this thread.

Though I might be tempted to crop in on that lone water drop for an image with more impact, if it were mine. : )

I guess everyone must be waiting for that "just right" photo. Not sure why that is, I think you can submit more than one? I hope people aren't holding off for fear of the "IMO" comments, in that their photo may not fit the "contrast" subject as some may see it?

For me it is that I did not see this thread till a day or two after the orginal post date. : ) Add to that from Wednesday through Saturday, for myself it is hard to do work and the day-to-day tasks, let alone thinking of actual shooting. : )

There can be contrast in any number of elements of a photo, light/dark, focus, texture, composition, etc., as well as contrasting subject matter if you feel that is what is required.

As an exercise try and take a photo without some "contrasting" elements in it, that would be a tough assignment and would end with a lot of blank wall and sky pictures.

I wish my iMac had not gone belly up this past week (constant rebooting :eek: ). I have a few images that I have posted here on MR that illustrate your point well. For those that have good memories, the ones I am thinking of are - the "relationship" one of a street sign with a graffiti "clone", or the image from Rolling Thunder and the Vietnam War Memorial of the boots with white roses in them.

[qoute]I like to come here and see what photos others are taking and how, and why, what they were thinking and so on. You have some nice work and I would love to see more of it. So lets get moving.[/QUOTE]

I like your attitude. I have been disappointed in past assignments - due to what I felt was a "restrictive" themes, and the "praise" heaped upon images that seemed to be snap shots.

Since work and daily life have been my focus since June 6th, I have spent my "free" time in thinking how to "address" this topic. I will be selfish in not sharing details at this point. For as you noted this theme can be broad if we allow ourselves to think about it.

I only hope that my future postings passes muster here. :)

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia


n. (kntrst)
The act of contrasting; a setting off of dissimilar entities or objects.

The state of being contrasted: red berries standing in vivid contrast against the snow.

A difference, especially a strong dissimilarity, between entities or objects compared: the contrast between Northern and Southern speech patterns.

One thing that is strikingly dissimilar to another: My new school was a welcome contrast to the one before.

The use of opposing elements, such as colors, forms, or lines, in proximity to produce an intensified effect in a work of art.

The difference in brightness between the light and dark areas of a picture, such as a photograph or video image.


macrumors 6502
Jan 29, 2006
somewhere in kansas
Chip NoVaMac said:
Love your first post to this thread.

Though I might be tempted to crop in on that lone water drop for an image with more impact, if it were mine. : )

Thank you. You do know your crops. As a rule, I try never to crop, would rather force myself to look at the whole frame to start with. Also I was trying to see if I could have "contrast with focus" though only partially successful I'm afraid.

Chip NoVaMac said:
I wish my iMac had not gone belly up this past week


Chip NoVaMac said:
For those that have good memories, the ones I am thinking of are - the "relationship" one of a street sign with a graffiti "clone", or the image from Rolling Thunder and the Vietnam War Memorial of the boots with white roses in them.

I do remember the street sign, you should repost it in the other (wrong date) gallery, excellent example.

Chip NoVaMac said:
I like your attitude. I have been disappointed in past assignments - due to what I felt was a "restrictive" themes, and the "praise" heaped upon images that seemed to be snap shots.

Everyone has different abilities and views, lots of talent in this forum, many make most of mine look like snapshots. Still the best way to learn is through others.

Chip NoVaMac said:
I only hope that my future postings passes muster here. :)

Don't think you have to worry about that. And I see you made a post on the definition of contrast, well done. Not sure if I did the Quote tags right, guess we will see. : )

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
snap58 said:
Thank you. You do know your crops. As a rule, I try never to crop, would rather force myself to look at the whole frame to start with. Also I was trying to see if I could have "contrast with focus" though only partially successful I'm afraid.

You can thank my college professor (and class mates) for looking at images in different ways.

Thanks, I am a bit bummed out. Second time in a row that an Apple computer gave out near the 1 year mark.

I do remember the street sign, you should repost it in the other (wrong date) gallery, excellent example.

Thanks, buit given the "definition" that I posted; I realize now that image might not work. Add to that I have posted that image in multiple threads.

But you do hit a bone of contention. And that is that we are forced to submit to a separate thread any past images that may fit the theme. Past images could/would IMO give guidance to those that are trying to come up with ideas.

Don't think you have to worry about that. And I see you made a post on the definition of contrast, well done. Not sure if I did the Quote tags right, guess we will see. : )

Thanks, I am giving some deep thought on this theme.

The definition reference is due to some questions about "relationships". I thought that it might help others in their search for the right image. I did try to do a search on contrasting colors to help others, but I did not come up with a clear example.

Your use of "tags" was spot on.


macrumors regular
Jan 11, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Life and Death

I think the contrast in this picture is pretty and death.

FUJIFILM FinePix 4900z
ISO 200
(hope I put the right stuff, I'm very new to digital photography and don't know what much of that means, just pulled it from iPhoto)



Staff member
Apr 18, 2004
Somewhere over the rainbow
Cookie1105, did you cut your hair (or ask the model to cut his hair) just for this assignment?

Balofagus, I've been thinking along the same lines - I've got some poppies I've been doing macros of this season as they budded and opened, and now there are petals all over the ground. One of the things I've found I've had to deal with in photographing those, is being at the right angle to avoid distracting background. Could you have taken the picture from a different angle to avoid the tree in the distance, or was this the best place to stand when shooting? Sometimes I see something really beautiful in my garden, but would have to pick it and move it to get a decent background, and often I just want to leave it where it is to continue enjoying it.

Chip NoVaMac said:
But you do hit a bone of contention. And that is that we are forced to submit to a separate thread any past images that may fit the theme. Past images could/would IMO give guidance to those that are trying to come up with ideas.

That seems a bit harsh, considering participation is voluntary. Don't worry about people not seeing the images in the "wrong date" galleries - those of us who are interested in getting ideas and inspiration for our own work on this theme, will be taking a look at the other gallery as well.

Chip NoVaMac said:
I have been disappointed in past assignments - due to what I felt was a "restrictive" themes, and the "praise" heaped upon images that seemed to be snap shots.

Perhaps you are restricting yourself more than necessary? Case in point:

Chip NoVaMac said:
Thanks, buit given the "definition" that I posted; I realize now that image might not work.

Maybe if you don't worry about interpreting a definition literally, you'd feel more freedom working within it? That's been an aspect of the assignments that has challenged me. I didn't post in the first one, because I was flummoxed - now i've started trying to free myself up from my intial definition of the themes. I don't think you're going to experience nasty comments if you try to stretch the theme in the interest of creativity. Often, something that initially seems restrictive, is actually something we can work on within ourselves. Snap58's suggestion to try to take a photo of the opposite of the theme as an exercise, is great!

snap58 said:
Everyone has different abilities and views, lots of talent in this forum, many make most of mine look like snapshots. Still the best way to learn is through others.


The assignments rock. :)


macrumors regular
Jan 11, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I agree completely that I could have had a different background annk but it just wasn't gonna happen:eek: . One way I would have had the house and a deck, another I would have had an old, old car, another would have been a big ugly fence so I though the trees would be best out of a series of less than perfect backgrounds. Thanks though for your input an I will be certain to think about whats behind my shot in the future!


Staff member
Apr 18, 2004
Somewhere over the rainbow
balofagus said:
I agree completely that I could have had a different background annk but it just wasn't gonna happen:eek: . One way I would have had the house and a deck, another I would have had an old, old car, another would have been a big ugly fence so I though the trees would be best out of a series of less than perfect backgrounds. Thanks though for your input an I will be certain to think about whats behind my shot in the future!

Yeah, I figured that was the case - that's usually the situation I end up in, too. :p Lately I've been playing with the color accent program on my camera, and sometimes it seems it can make a distracting background fade a bit, but here you'd need both the red of the dead leaf, and the green of the live ones.


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2006
London, UK
annk said:
Cookie1105, did you cut your hair (or ask the model to cut his hair) just for this assignment?

No, I cut it right back every couple of weeks. I just thought it would be interesting to see what the difference was and it seemed quite fitting for this months assignment.

Balofagus, I like it. I would maybe have tried to come in a lot closer, and get both the red & green leaves in focus, but the background nicely blurred. That way the backgrounds should almost disappear. Just a suggestion.


macrumors 68020
Apr 9, 2003
Canada GTA
Taken today June 14th. I was bored and took a walk around my neighbourhood.

Nikon D70s (50mm f1.8D)
-ISO 200



I thought the contrast between the soft wispy cloud and the hard and 'dirty' utilitiarian power lines looks neat. :)


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I really like some of the ideas you guys have had in this thread. The most important thing is the idea behind it, I guess, since thisis a hardcore Mac board and not a hardcore photography board, so it's nice that we're seeing some good ideas. :)
I haven't been able to post photos for this because I just sold my PowerBook recently and have been working to back up my photos and clear off the PB's harddrive (but will be getting my new MacBook from Apple by next week) and didn't have a place to put any new photos I've taken (ie: a Mac, although I guess I could start working with nice Dell at uni), but I will when I get my new Mac. Haha, then I'll try and shoot a decent photo for this assignment, because I have a good idea for it. ;)

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
annk said:
That seems a bit harsh, considering participation is voluntary. Don't worry about people not seeing the images in the "wrong date" galleries - those of us who are interested in getting ideas and inspiration for our own work on this theme, will be taking a look at the other gallery as well.

Sorry for airing "old feelings" on the subject. It is that "sometimes" the "other" thread gets second place billing. I will leave it at that for the peace of the thread and forum. Again, sorry for my "outburst".

Perhaps you are restricting yourself more than necessary? Case in point:

Yes, you are right. But I posted the definition mainly as a starting point.

Maybe if you don't worry about interpreting a definition literally, you'd feel more freedom working within it? That's been an aspect of the assignments that has challenged me.

Good point. I accused a MR member of the same thing when we were discussing the possibility of a "relationship" theme.

In the end, I have ideas on the limited time I have for the internet and the forums I belong to, and how to enrich myself. Tonight I was lucky enough to have the time and desire to look past the top posts for this forum to have seen the best image so far for this theme in that gallery thread.

Others will have to look for that thread for the image that I am referring to.

It was a great image that gives us more fuel as we think and look for images to fit this assignment.

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
Abstract said:
I really like some of the ideas you guys have had in this thread. The most important thing is the idea behind it, I guess, since thisis a hardcore Mac board and not a hardcore photography board, so it's nice that we're seeing some good ideas. :)

I agree

I haven't been able to post photos for this because I just sold my PowerBook recently and have been working to back up my photos and clear off the PB's harddrive (but will be getting my new MacBook from Apple by next week) and didn't have a place to put any new photos I've taken (ie: a Mac, although I guess I could start working with nice Dell at uni), but I will when I get my new Mac. Haha, then I'll try and shoot a decent photo for this assignment, because I have a good idea for it. ;)

I feel your pain. My iMac is going in to the shop tomorrow for a constant rebooting problem. I was able to back up my important data by getting an external HDD case.

OT, but important IMO.

I did learn the importance in keeping up with a back up schedule. But also it showed me the need to keep my photos on a separate HDD that is my "master" drive for my images.

Just bought a 250gb drive for this purpose a week before my iMac's failure. In the end I used to back up everything I could for the "worst case". Tomorrow, I will be getting a second 250GB HDD to bring over my images to. And I will then use that as my primary image drive for my iMac and PB.

Once my iMac come back from repair, the one "stuffed" with data will become an "off-site" back-up. And my FW 250GB will see once a week backups.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Life and Death.

Got my MacBook last night (absolutely incredible experience so far) and didn't have time to play around with it today because I went to the Blue Mountains (where's Dogbone? ;) ), but took this photo. It wasn't what I had in mind, but was probably better at the end.


  • Life and Death.JPG
    Life and Death.JPG
    156.2 KB · Views: 134
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