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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Dec 27, 2002
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Ok, before we forget, we need to take a few minutes and think of some good assignment topics, hopefully one that isn't so gosh darned hard to shoot for.

My suggestion still goes to "movement" or "motion", so that's one.

We should brainstorm topics by April 5 and finish the voting by April 8th-9th or so.


macrumors G4
Oh no you don't! That's my job... tho I admit, I'm late:eek: I still have a picture to upload that was taken pre-31 but left my camera at work on Friday (doh!)

The 'rules' state that we carry over the top two from the month before and don't use any of the other ideas for at least another month.

So the carry overs from last month are Liquid and Transitions.

And none of the others get a look in - so Movement is out already :p


macrumors 6502
Jan 6, 2005
I remember the second and third most voted options from last month are included automatically; so we have Liquid and Transitions. Also, weren't we supposed to ban the others for a month? (I'm not sure though).

EDIT: beaten to it :p


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Dec 27, 2002
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Yeah, we're 3 days late over where I'm at now, so I thought I had to do something about it before people stopped caring. ;)

And I guess I can wait for "movement" to be recognized once again.

Ok ok, here's my idea. It's a bit creepy, and you might need to sneak around for a bit, but here it is..........."photo of a stranger in public." :eek: The challenge is going to be dodging the punches when they find out.

How about "action pose", where you get a shot of someone (anyone, even people in your family) in the middle of an "action." Eg: running, shooting a basketball, playing with his kids, a child running around, or playing on the swings in a playground.

baby duck monge

macrumors 68000
Feb 16, 2003
Memphis, TN
Abstract said:
Ok ok, here's my idea. It's a bit creepy, and you might need to sneak around for a bit, but here it is..........."photo of a stranger in public." :eek: The challenge is going to be dodging the punches when they find out.

How about "action pose", where you get a shot of someone (anyone, even people in your family) in the middle of an "action." Eg: running, shooting a basketball, playing with his kids, a child running around, or playing on the swings in a playground.

As someone who randomly entered a picture in the "Nature in Unexpected Places" one, do I get a vote? If so, I put it towards either/both of these!


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Dec 27, 2002
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I forget the exact rule change, or whether there even WAS a rule change, but I say everyone should be able to vote, since there are lots of people who simply find that they can't submit a photo (ie: they're very busy, personal problems arise, can't think of a suitable idea but do give an honest attempt at thinking about it) and had every intention of doing so. That might include myself this month, since I have heaps of things to do, but trust me when I say that (1) I'm voting this month :D, and (2) I have every intention of submitting a photo. However, if I can't submit a photo, I certainly wouldn't want to be excluded from giving any sort of opinion for these "contests."

Anyway, from memory, I think only around 5-8 people submitted a photo that met the requirements, some of them being arguable. That would mean very little voting and input from people that you want to participate.

elfin buddy

macrumors 6502a
Sep 16, 2001
Tuttlingen, Germany
I'm totally backing Abstract's ideas on this one :D I can see it potentially being a heck of a lot of fun, haha!

Only problem I see with it is it legal to take pictures of strangers (who are clearly the subject of the photo) and publish them without permission? Or does it only matter if we try to make money from it?

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Abstract said:
Ok ok, here's my idea. It's a bit creepy, and you might need to sneak around for a bit, but here it is..........."photo of a stranger in public." :eek: The challenge is going to be dodging the punches when they find out.

Actually, that's not all that hard.... I'm sure that many of us could post images like that right now! Well, I could, anyway....

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
OK, so right now we're looking at "liquid" and "transitions," right? Whatever we do, for heaven's sake, let's pick something which is at least attainable! Last month's was problematic to say the least....and one reason, I'm sure, is because many of those who voted for it were not ever intending to actually take a camera in hand and go out and shoot something to fulfill that topic! Or maybe they had good intentions but when it came right down to it didn't find the time or couldn't figure out a good way to shoot that topic....

Let's go with KIS this time in selecting a topic: Keep It Simple. The broader the overall topic, the more likely success in having a number of images and a number of participants.


macrumors 6502
Sep 6, 2005
Bath, UK
I like Motion

(on an off topic note, a Photo competition at uni had "documentary" as a title hardly anyone entered, but motion and liquidd aren't as ambigous, so they should have no problems)


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Dec 27, 2002
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mcmadhatter said:
I like Motion

(on an off topic note, a Photo competition at uni had "documentary" as a title hardly anyone entered, but motion and liquidd aren't as ambigous, so they should have no problems)
Because we had "motion" up for voting last month, we can't use it this month. Believe me, it was my suggestion last month, so i want that topic as well, but these are our rules at MacRumours. It'll be eligible next month when we have to think of topics again.

So..... should "photo of strangers in public" be put up as a potential assignment this month? What about "action"??

Gotta think of several others, folks. Lets have at least 6 to choose from.


macrumors 601
Mar 29, 2004
Boston, MA
how about "RED"? Let's see what's on peoples mind when they think of red.

Of course it's gonna be hard for people who want to shoot b/w:D

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Abstract said:
You want to take a photo of a song or album title? :confused:

No..... you would use a song or album cover as your inspiration. For instance, the song "Bridge Over Troubled Water..." the photographer would take an image of a bridge. Or, let's see: the song "I Think It's Going To Rain Today." Not too hard to figure out ways to shoot that image! The participant would choose the song and the shot, then post both together so that it makes sense to the viewer.

Just a suggestion.....

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Abstract said:
So..... should "photo of strangers in public" be put up as a potential assignment this month? What about "action"??

Wasn't "action" mentioned as a possibility last month? Certainly that leaves plenty of opportunties for good shooting and I think we'd have a lot of participation with that as our topic.

"Photos of strangers in public" might be a bit problematic. I'd think it would be best to choose a definite topic and then if someone's photo happens to include people (whether they be strangers to the photographer or not) in it, that's fine, but this is a kind of tetchy area. You have to be careful. One of my entries last month included a stranger -- I'm sure he would be less than happy to realize that his image was shared on here! However, his face was not seen and he is not readily identifiable. I was walking around the neighborhood when I spotted him, paused and took the pictures. I took exactly two shots and then continued walking on. Had he heard the click of the camera shutter, he could have gotten up, come after me and demanded to see the photos as well as insisted that I delete them, which would have been fine with me. You do have to be careful when taking photos of others, as they might object.

Over the weekend I shot many photos of many strangers in the context of viewing the cherry blossoms at the Tidal Basin. However, my goal wasn't "strangers in public," it was more that when I spotted someone doing something interesting or the light hit their hair just so, I took the photo.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
andiwm2003 said:
how about "RED"? Let's see what's on peoples mind when they think of red.

Of course it's gonna be hard for people who want to shoot b/w:D

Last month one of the categories was "colors," with the idea that we'd choose a specific color, but that never got off the ground. We could certainly start off this time with a specific color as the topic right from the get-go, see if that flies....

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
tektonnic said:
how about, to celebrate the 30th anniversary "Apples ors Macs"?

Now THERE's an would be fun to see how creative people could be with this idea! Someone on a photography site I hang out in did something really clever with an apple, relating it to our Apple..... Don't know if he's a Mac user or not.


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Clix Pix said:
I'd think it would be best to choose a definite topic and then if someone's photo happens to include people (whether they be strangers to the photographer or not) in it, that's fine, but this is a kind of tetchy area. You have to be careful. One of my entries last month included a stranger -- I'm sure he would be less than happy to realize that his image was shared on here!

Yeah, but a stranger accidentally being in the photo isn't the point. I'm talking about a stranger, or strangers, being the main focus of the photo.

And from the other threads about photographing people in public, I thought it was ok as long as it was in a public space (ie: outdoors, but not in a restaurant or something). And you wouldn't get in trouble as long as you didn't use the photo for commercial purposes. I'd delete the photo if they stormed over and demanded it, but I doubt that would happen.
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