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macrumors G4
How about 'Emotion'?

My only concern about having Apples or Macs in the list would be that we'd end up with lots of people voting for it who don't intend to submit pictures and then lots of 'set-up' shots in dark rooms with Apples glowing on the back of 'books. Perhaps we should save that option until the Assignment idea is more mature and better understood?


macrumors 601
Mar 29, 2004
Boston, MA
Applespider said:
How about 'Emotion'?

My only concern about having Apples or Macs in the list would be that we'd end up with lots of people voting for it who don't intend to submit pictures and then lots of 'set-up' shots in dark rooms with Apples glowing on the back of 'books. Perhaps we should save that option until the Assignment idea is more mature and better understood?

i have the same concern. there will be three great submissions with an idea that would never occur to me, 35 technically perfect shots of powerbooks and 250 mediocre shots of powerbooks.

let's do something more creative so that we can be surprised by peoples ideas.

my 2 cents.


macrumors 6502
Jan 6, 2005
Applespider said:
My only concern about having Apples or Macs in the list would be that we'd end up with lots of people voting for it who don't intend to submit pictures and then lots of 'set-up' shots in dark rooms with Apples glowing on the back of 'books. Perhaps we should save that option until the Assignment idea is more mature and better understood?

I think the same thing. We shouldn't have that one for now.
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