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Please, let's not go down the "AT&T is the devil" road.

You want the truth? You want to know something shocking? The loss of the unlimited data plan is the best thing to happen to the iPhone and iPad population since the day the iPhone was introduced.

Ask me why. I dare you.


Posted from my McMansion

I don't think AT&T are the devil or anything even close, I was referring to the OPs concerns not my own. I just don't feel the need for 3G on my iPad.

I wouldn't be surprised if the main motivation for this is just the potential impact on the network due to the unexpected extreme popularity of the iPad.
I'm going to bed now, so I'll just tell you why the elimination of the UDP is the best thing for the iPhone/iPad population at large:

The top 5% of the owners are using 90% of the data. It's slowing down the network for everyone else. Earlier tonight, someone posted a screencap of their monthly data usage and he had 5GB of downloaded data. 5GB. That's what you and I would use in a typical year.

Look at what AT&T did:

1. Raised the costs for the selfish over-users of data.

2. Lowered the costs for everyone else.

The complaints about AT&T's network speeds and connectivity are about to become a thing of the past. The jailbreakers and media-streamers are about to get what's coming to them. It's a glorious day.


Wow, I just even know where to begin.

First of all, AT&T is making a killing on data from all of these 95% customers you have pointed out that use less than average data. Why wouldn't AT&T put it back into their network at the pace, say, Spint, (a company in the red) has? This issue is not about the users, it's about AT&T.

The main point of this whole thing is that within 27 freaking days they redesigned the plan changing all of us so called power users reasons for buying the iPad in the first place. This again is not the Apple i knew in the past to allow this to happen without some sort of statement or alternate plan for users that were mislead.

This decision I firmly believe was known by Apple and AT&T alike when they announced their so called breakthrough plan. While I enjoy reading your enthusiasm, I also don't think it explains or corrects the main issue at hand.

ABC, Netflix and Pandora are the main culprits of my data usage. I also receive a bunch of Raw photos in email and transfer a ton of these documents via Air Sharing.

These applications are not allowed via 3G without jail breaking.
I'm going to bed now, so I'll just tell you why the elimination of the UDP is the best thing for the iPhone/iPad population at large:

The top 5% of the owners are using 90% of the data. It's slowing down the network for everyone else. Earlier tonight, someone posted a screencap of their monthly data usage and he had 5GB of downloaded data. 5GB. That's what you and I would use in a typical year.

Look at what AT&T did:

1. Raised the costs for the selfish over-users of data.

2. Lowered the costs for everyone else.

The complaints about AT&T's network speeds and connectivity are about to become a thing of the past. The jailbreakers and media-streamers are about to get what's coming to them. It's a glorious day.


I use data I PAY for and I am selfish? You don't want me too...what are you:rolleyes:
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

It's fun to watch everybody piss and moan about AT&T. If you don't like them then go elsewhere and sell your devices on eBay.

We had an outage here last Friday that made me angry. I emailed the CEO and copied the chairman. Today I received a call from a vp there. We had a good chat and he explained what happened. At the end of the chat he thanked me for contacting the company and asked what they could do to show their appreciation for my business. I would up with an unexpected $100 credit to my account and a request to write again in the future if a similar situation happens again.
I'm going to bed now, so I'll just tell you why the elimination of the UDP is the best thing for the iPhone/iPad population at large:

The top 5% of the owners are using 90% of the data. It's slowing down the network for everyone else. Earlier tonight, someone posted a screencap of their monthly data usage and he had 5GB of downloaded data. 5GB. That's what you and I would use in a typical year.

Look at what AT&T did:

1. Raised the costs for the selfish over-users of data.

2. Lowered the costs for everyone else.

The complaints about AT&T's network speeds and connectivity are about to

become a thing of the past. The jailbreakers and media-streamers are about to get what's coming to them. It's a glorious day.


Made some interesting points I hadn't thought of:apple:
You can keep your unlimited data plan on AT&T.

T-mobile uses non-standard technology, so worldwide GSM devices don't work on its 3

So a "business" user who cannot afford $30/month to keep unlimited data plan? :rolleyes:

Made some interesting points I hadn't thought of:apple:

Yeah looks like the fast data growth is about to be slowed down.
I was in the hospital all day waiting on a relative's surgery. This was the first time I've needed to use mywi on my JB iPhone for long stretches of time. I was surprised at how fast I racked up 1gb of data, with only about 1 hour out of the day spent on any sort of streaming. Really opened my eyes on this issue.

People who consider this "over usage" have really been brainwashed by the corporate PR machine. (or, just possibly, are part of it). We'll see how superior you feel when your regular broadband at home gets capped and metered all to hell too. It's coming. They want you to blame these mystical overusers, not them, and it's working.
I guess I just look at it from the perspective of that in Australia we haven't had the option of 'unlimited' data plans for the iPhone so I've just gotten used to knowing that I have to restrict my usage over 3G or pay excessive additional data fees. They've now included unlimited data plans for the 3G iPad... wish I'd known that before I bought my WiFi iPad because I might've considered buying the 3G then :)
Stay calm. Deep breaths. I could go on about how this is AT&T's doing, not Apple's or how this is really about the iPhone being released next week, but let's keep this simple:

If you enroll in the $30 unlimited data plan tonight, you'll be grandfathered in with no worries.

In the end, it's $1 a day. That's less than a bottle of Poland Spring. Is there anything worth more than a constant internet connection with zero data limits for the same $1 a day?

I don't think so.

Don't be angry. Don't feel deceived. Don't be cheap. It's $1, bro. It's 4 McNuggets on the dollar menu.


Posted from my iPad 3G/64GB/$829

The point is not that you can still get unlimited, the point is they have taken away their no-contract claim. If you want unlimited, you now must maintain continuous service whether you need it or not. That works out to way more than a dollar a day. If I had planned to buy unlimited for, say one month out of the year at a cost of $30, it will now cost $360. It's not a matter of a dollar a day as you so arrogantly put it, it's money for nothin, and false advertising.
I know what your saying and don't mean to discount it. However, the point of pay as I go with unlimited data at $30.00 was the main attraction.

It was perfect to have the option when times are tight or data is unneeded to discontinue service when necessary. It was advertised this way and Apple/AT&T folded on it less than 30 days after the iPad 3g release. Utterly pathetic.

So you think because of the initial pricing Apple was required to offer you $30 unlimited pricing for how long without a contract?

I know it sucks they did it right away, but the reality is given what was set up, the pricing and bandwidth limits were always subject to change. Not having a contract cuts both ways.

Nobody promised you $30 unlimited access forever. What if instead of changing the product, they kept unlimited but raised the price to $60. Would you have felt that was okay? It would have met your criteria that you could turn it on and off whenever you wanted to do so. Yet it would be significantly more expensive.

And I am going to agree with other comments. Given your current usage on 3G, what are the odds you are going to want to turn it off for a month and go from 6 gigs a month to 0, and then back to 6 gigs a month.

Seems like an unnecessary thing to be getting worked up about, given the real impact it will have on you.

I don't disagree it was a sucky thing for them to do, but it is not exactly the end of the world for you.
Have you considered users sucking up 6+ GB of bandwidth is affecting ATT policy? I think your complaint falls under This is Why we Can't Have Nice Things.

This much usage is way outside the bounds of typical mobile data bandwidth. It seems you're either/both using your iPad as workstation or your mobile data as your primary Internet provider. That's fine, but I think it's realistic such users pay more than everyone else.
Frankly I'm a bit suprised at all the people dismissing this as a non-issue or making out like this isn't a deceptive business move on AT&T's part.

I've been quick to dismiss some of the reactionaries here screaming about class action lawsuits. Those threats and claims are ridiculous. This still does NOT change the fact that this was indeed marketed heavily and now the direction is completely different less than two months from the launch of the 3G model.

Beyond that, AT&T has the following marks against it:

1. terrible terrible coverage and speed. I literally get Edge speeds for my 3G service here in downtown Birmingham Alabama. Other places around the area get no coverage at all.
2. The constant delays and overcharging for tethering
3. The raping of customers on text messaging charges
4. and now this -- the bait and switch on the iPad breakthrough deal

AT&T has driven me off. As soon as my contact is finished I'm switching to another carrier whether they have an iPhone or not. I might join the unwashed Droid masses, as much as I have defended the iphone versus the droid phones over the last six months.

The bottom line is this: it doesn't matter how superior the phone is if the speed/latency/service behind the data and voice royally sucks. At this point in time the AT&T service sucks worse than even my totally horrible T Mobile service ever did.
>Spotty service
>Prices subject to change at any time
>Lack of good 3G coverage

I think it's nuts. If it weren't for Apple choosing to stay with AT&T, there would be NO reason for anyone to have GSM cell service. AT&T advertises that they have the largest 3G network, and that they cover the most people in America!

Yet out in the midwest, there is little to no 3G coverage, and at times even little to no EDGE coverage. Where I live, in southern South Dakota, AT&T doesn't sell service, and half the time I'm on GPRS, not even EDGE.

I want Apple iDevices on Big Red, and I want it now.
I was in the hospital all day waiting on a relative's surgery. This was the first time I've needed to use mywi on my JB iPhone for long stretches of time. I was surprised at how fast I racked up 1gb of data, with only about 1 hour out of the day spent on any sort of streaming. Really opened my eyes on this issue.

I tether to my iPhone every morning before work for almost an hour. Maybe 50 minutes everyday. I was shocked to see Im only using 5-10mb. (10 is on the high side, this morning it was 5.7)
That included browsing macrumors, playing we rule, playing godfinger, and sending an email or two.

EDIT: Missed that you said "streaming" in your post. My bad. Sorry.
That would explain the 1GB! :)
>Spotty service
>Prices subject to change at any time
>Lack of good 3G coverage

I think it's nuts. If it weren't for Apple choosing to stay with AT&T, there would be NO reason for anyone to have GSM cell service. AT&T advertises that they have the largest 3G network, and that they cover the most people in America!

Yet out in the midwest, there is little to no 3G coverage, and at times even little to no EDGE coverage. Where I live, in southern South Dakota, AT&T doesn't sell service, and half the time I'm on GPRS, not even EDGE.

I want Apple iDevices on Big Red, and I want it now.

It won't be now. It will be around the corner. Which IMO is partly why at&t is doing this. With choice comes the loss of Apple's financial assistance with network improvements. I say good riddance to at&t.
I'm going to bed now, so I'll just tell you why the elimination of the UDP is the best thing for the iPhone/iPad population at large:

The top 5% of the owners are using 90% of the data. It's slowing down the network for everyone else. Earlier tonight, someone posted a screencap of their monthly data usage and he had 5GB of downloaded data. 5GB. That's what you and I would use in a typical year.

Look at what AT&T did:

1. Raised the costs for the selfish over-users of data.

2. Lowered the costs for everyone else.

The complaints about AT&T's network speeds and connectivity are about to become a thing of the past. The jailbreakers and media-streamers are about to get what's coming to them. It's a glorious day.


Now THIS was 'Amen' worthy.
I would have gone the T-Mo route a long time ago is I were able to get 3G and if their coverage in my area was good. T-Mo in Northern AZ is horrid!

Will still take that beer tho! :D

Agreed! T-Mo is practically non-existent in Nebraska. Also, I don't think you can use many AT&T phones (including the iPhone) on 3G because AT&T and T-Mo use different frequencies. This was how it was when I was using a T-Mo myTouch 3g on AT&T for a bit. The phone worked fine but I was unable to use 3G service.

Please, let's not go down the "AT&T is the devil" road.

You want the truth? You want to know something shocking? The loss of the unlimited data plan is the best thing to happen to the iPhone and iPad population since the day the iPhone was introduced.

Ask me why. I dare you.


Posted from my McMansion

I agree with this. One poster in another thread here talked about using 11GB in two days when his primary Internet was down.

11GB, what the heck. Streaming movies? Transferring torrents? He completely ignored the fact that while he was sucking up all the bandwidth he completely diminished the capacity for everyone else in the local area.
Same thing goes for those that complain about bandwidth caps for home internet. Why is it that my home cable will burst up to 25Mbps during the day and then barely sustain 1.5Mbps during peak time at night. Same deal, limited capacity, except it's worse with over-the-air stuff because more bandwidth uses more radio spectrum.
I know what your saying and don't mean to discount it. However, the point of pay as I go with unlimited data at $30.00 was the main attraction.

It was perfect to have the option when times are tight or data is unneeded to discontinue service when necessary. It was advertised this way and Apple/AT&T folded on it less than 30 days after the iPad 3g release. Utterly pathetic.

I agree that the ability to cancel and renew my UL 3G data plan was a huge selling point for me, but I simply cancelled my iPhone data and went to a pay-as-you voice plan. I then kept the data on my iPad because I'll be damned if I'll pay AT&T for twice for 3G data on two devices.

Stay calm. Deep breaths. I could go on about how this is AT&T's doing, not Apple's or how this is really about the iPhone being released next week, but let's keep this simple:

If you enroll in the $30 unlimited data plan tonight, you'll be grandfathered in with no worries.

In the end, it's $1 a day. That's less than a bottle of Poland Spring. Is there anything worth more than a constant internet connection with zero data limits for the same $1 a day?

I don't think so.

Don't be angry. Don't feel deceived. Don't be cheap. It's $1, bro. It's 4 McNuggets on the dollar menu.


Posted from my iPad 3G/64GB/$829

I started off hating you a little but each post I read I realize more and more you remind me of myself. Lol@mcnuggets.
Threads like this make me question Apple...

Why in the WORLD do they keep tying themselves to ATT?!?! I mean, on top of the horrible stories on cellphone service (I don't care if you have good service or not, this stuff doesn't become "newsworthy" unless there's a real element of truth in it) they pulled this on 3g iPad owners.

I'm glad I got the WIFI only and glad I pay Sprint for an Overdrive and don't give ATT 1 red cent.

Every time SJ speaks he talks about the great user experience and how that's Apple's main driver as a company...superior products, superior build, superior design and look and feel, superior functionality...and yet they tie themselves to super-stupid ATT.

I love Apple, and I have the utmost respect for SJ and what he's done since coming back...but the ATT decision is worse by the day and Apple is ALLOWING ATT to tarnish Apple's well-deserved pristine reputation by the day.
With potential voice revenue in freefall this is where they plan to make money in the future.

While the addition of all those data users has probably brought this introduction forward, this was likely the plan all along.

Data usage will increase rapidly in coming years, (listen to the words of Jobs and Ballmer - mobile devices are the futures) and this is setting the stage to get you guys to pay for those boardroom bonuses.

The cable providers are already trying to do this, and will continue to do so - using the same set of excuses AT&T just used....' it's for YOUR benefit. They'll stay on message with that one.

The only hope is that the other networks keep open the unlimited option, but I wouldn't hold your breath. American business is more about cartels that competition these days.

This is the first stage in America ending up paying through the nose for all kinds of internet connection - and most people seem to cheering AT&T on for doing it - just how naive are you?
Get greedy use all the unlimited you can

Since ATT has changed the terms, i will be completely turning off my wifi and using 3G exclusively. In order to maintain the original terms when I bought my IPad, I will be forced to maintain the unlimited plan (auto renew) each month, which to me seems like a contract commitment. I originally planed on using wifi maybe once or twice a year but.......not now Unlimited here I come.
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