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So? You don't know how much he paid for either of his houses or what his financial situation is like. $30,000 is a LOT of money even for someone with two houses.

Maybe the reason he can afford a summer home is because he doesn't waste his money like that.

Yes, by first taking advantage of an unlimited plan that will eventually affect others not like him, and then waiting until taxpayers fund infrastructure improvements to subsidize his choice to live away from others.

That's always how some afford more stuff than the average person, they find a way to make everyone else pay for it. "Rich" people are some of the cheapest humans I know.
Yes, by first taking advantage of an unlimited plan that will eventually affect others not like him, and then waiting until taxpayers fund infrastructure improvements to subsidize his choice to live away from others.

That's always how some afford more stuff than the average person, they find a way to make everyone else pay for it. "Rich" people are some of the cheapest humans I know.
The "average person" can do the same exact thing this dude is doing. They can and do take advantage of unlimited plans. Stop whining about it. Every carrier offers unlimited again.
The "average person" can do the same exact thing this dude is doing. They can and do take advantage of unlimited plans. Stop whining about it. Every carrier offers unlimited again.

The average person does not use 348gb of unthrottled wireless data a month from their summer vacation home.

Yes, every carrier offers unlimited again, but it's throttled.

I'll comment however I please, thank you very much.
Guess it really won't make a difference anymore now. As we all have been notified starting on 5/25/2017 after 22GB our "unlimited" iPad plans data flow could be slowed down on a congested tower.

Both my plans are way over 22GB (no where close to 348GB) starting today. Guess I'll have to roll with the punches.
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The average person does not use 348gb of unthrottled wireless data a month from their summer vacation home.

Yes, every carrier offers unlimited again, but it's throttled you're de-prioritized after over 20GB.

I'll comment however I please, thank you very much.
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