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...and/or "According to numerous Rogers Technical Support employees, Supervisors, and Level-2 Escalation Network Mangers, the only way that the iPhone 3G/3GS can send MMS is if the account that the iPhone 3G/3GS is on has a Data Plan and has no Data blocks whatsoever. You do not necessarily need a MMS package, but if you do not have one, you will be charged at $0.50/MMS.

Let me just make this a little more clear.

To get MMS officially working on a Rogers Wireless iPhone 3G/3GS, you need the following:

* iPhone 3.0 Software on your iPhone 3G/3GS
* A Data Plan (which starts at $25/month)
* No Data blocks whatsoever, at all."

This is located HERE

Just trying to clarify and can only do that by going out of country since nothing at Apples support will address this until after the 25th. There are multiple reasons you will get the red asterick and one will be that the message/file did not send due to weak signal or interrupted is the only way a user can be notified of an unsent/interrupted message ALONG with the no data, still blocked account.

Just clarifying what we are discussing DH...nothing personal derogatory.
This same thing keeps happening to me, no matter what I try. I removed the AT&T logo mod, and the color signal bars mod....still get the error message listed in the OP.

Ideas? I'm scratching my head here.
I removed the AT&T logo mod, and the 5.1 carrier file loaded fine. MMS is still blocked for me in the Kansas City area.

Interesting that MMS was active and working last week when I was in China using my unlocked and jailbroken 3GS with a China Mobile sim card, but then when I returned and reloaded my AT&T sim the MMS option went away.

Rock Chalk
I removed the AT&T logo mod, and the 5.1 carrier file loaded fine. MMS is still blocked for me in the Kansas City area.

Interesting that MMS was active and working last week when I was in China using my unlocked and jailbroken 3GS with a China Mobile sim card, but then when I returned and reloaded my AT&T sim the MMS option went away.

Rock Chalk

Well Friday is not far away. All the iPhone opt out blocks should be removed by Friday.
I tried several times then after reading this post and removed the AT&T logo mod it worked! I cant explain it...It works over 3g and not wifi...
I've been trying this for a few days and getting red exclamation marks. I just tried again and it worked. Looks like my block is gone.

The settings I used are
apn: wap.cingular
mms proxy
mmx max size: 614400

It's funny, I don't care about MMS, but since I couldn't have it, it made me want it. Now that I have it, I'm back to not caring anymore.
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