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macrumors 65816
Mar 16, 2019
Hillsboro, OR
Before you do that, I'd try plugging the ATV into another port and see if the problem still happens. It could be that the ATV's ethernet port is faulty, which can happen. Maybe something crawled in there (ants) and shorted out pins?


macrumors 68000
Sep 27, 2006
United States
A couple suggestions...

you said something about all the ATVs? Are they all in use, or has one not been used for a while? Sometimes an Apple device that hasn’t been used for a while will ask for an Apple ID sign in, that may be one asking for DHCP over and over?

you could give it a static IP address somewhere at the end of the range where nothing else is usually assigned.

try restarting router to get new IP addresses for all WiFi devices. Or even, turn off router, restart all devices, then startup router again. Check all your Ethernet cable connections.

try a different cable, maybe cable has gone bad ...also, maybe there is interference where the cable runs, maybe an electronic device, power supply or power cable it runs over or near it? ...Cat6 cables are supposed to be better against crosstalk/interference.
... Gigabit fiber would be great too.
Fiber has no issues with interference, but, it’s not cheap, is it?
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macrumors 68030
Apr 20, 2015
Get a cheap smart switch that allows port mirroring. Put it inbetween the SonicWall and ATV and put your computer on the mirrored port. Run wire shark on the pc and see exactly what’s happening between the ATV and the sonicwall.
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