If auto mode gets you the images you want, then have at it and have fun. ? For me, I bought a hybrid camera when I was pregnant with my daughter, and I took so many photos of her as a infant and baby. I would send pictures to the grandparents once a week, and I was totally happy with them. As she approached two years old, I had another newborn, and I realized that 99% of the photos of her were really blurry. Maybe not even a lot blurry, but definitely not nearly as sharp as those I was seeing in other mom focused groups. So when my son was six weeks old, I got a mid level dSLR and actually learned how to shoot manual. It was nice for me because I could strap my kids in high chairs and they wouldn't go anywhere. ?
But of course for someone who doesn't have or want kids, you can still practice manual mode with running water, flowers, furniture, street, etc. Once I was happy with not having blurry kids in my pictures (which was my original goal) I started learning more about depth of field and editing, and now here we are some 14 years later and I am still learning stuff. Actually it's almost my camera-versary because we ordered my first good camera on Thanksgiving weekend.
Getting out of auto mode opens up all sorts of creativity. But maybe you don't want that, and that's okay too.
It's nice that you are asking questions and accepting some of the advice given here. ?