What kind of computer do you use?What do you guys use to convert movies for iPad? Sucks that it doesnt just play avi files...most of what I have is already in avi format. I got this iSkysoft conversion software but the conversion time is pretty ridiculous! Almost 7 hours at first then once it got going it was upwards of 19 hours. I'm going on a trip in the morning and wanted to bring some movies but there's no way even one would convert
Anything quicker? Easier? Free-er?
Thanks in advance!
With a Mac it's very very easy to convert.
You just need to use the standard Quicktime X, but got to have the perian plugin for Quicktime installed.
I have already several AVI movies converted to m4v for my iPad. Very very easy.
Here the steps:
- Open AVI movie with Quicktime X
- Select 'Save As' in the menu
- As structure select 'Apple TV'
- Now you save and wait till converting is finished
Thats it!