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Jun 8, 2018
I've had a lot of problems with FedEx in the last few months, even before the freeze. False "scheduled" delivery dates, refusal to allow pickup for the same reason you stated, tracking breaking, packages getting stuck in bad logistical loops etc.

UPS has destroyed every package I have received from them in the last 5 months. I'm not exaggerating, literally every one has either come cracked, but still usable, or destroyed beyond use. USPS has been mostly fine for me, only from time to time do they mess up.
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Jun 8, 2018
Where do you live?


But, I've had pretty good luck with UPS and FedEx. I've had one package lost through the USPS, but it was years ago.

The funniest thing was getting a package sent to Portland Oregon, TWICE, with UPS, and finding out about Sonic, their same day delivery service. Too funny... They delivered the errant package THE NEXT DAY after it turned up in Portland the second time. It's a mystery why it;s been to Portland two times more than me, but it's a funny story...

I've seen plane containers, and they are HUGE! I'd feel guilty if someone had to wade through a full container looking for a small package from Apple.

I guess I should stop complaining, as I've had, generally, pretty good luck.
All of these deliveries were made in Kingman AZ, which is where I will be returning this month after spending a bit on a job in Victoria. UPS was reliable for me when I lived in Seattle, just very late delivery time to my house, so I'd be getting packages at 6-7PM. Not sure what it is with the UPS Store in Kingman but they just do not handle their things carefully. Glad I don't sell on eBay or similar anymore to end up getting my packages damaged. I always insured my stuff but the process of communicating with the buyer to cooperate with UPS/Fedex investigation takes a long time.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 29, 2016
Boulder, CO
re: UPS damaged packages. Ordered a cheap adapter from Apple. Received it from the hands of the driver. Opened it. The envelope was empty with a big hole ripped in the bottom. I did file a claim and got the money ($9.99) refunded eventually. A month or so later, a vacuum from Best Buy was delivered with a big rip in the box. Lesson learned; refused delivery. Refund was issued in days.


Jun 8, 2018
What was living in Victoria like? I visited Seattle and Victoria a few years ago, and thought, for a few minutes, of staying there, calling people up and letting them know my new address...?
I was called to Victoria in September. When I got there things were actually quite nice, being on Vancouver Island the covid cases were low, and so were restrictions. Wore my mask in Walmart or similar but life pretty much went normal. Due to this I was still able to visit Bastion Square and go up to Cordova Bay, which were always some of the highlights of Victoria to me. Life was quiet and simple, even with the pandemic backdrop. Things did start to get a bit worse getting into winter, restrictions were tightened. It's still way quieter than where I came from before though, so the peace of mind from that has been extremely valuable to me.

I did live in Victoria before from 2006-2014. 2006-2008 were very enjoyable years, some of the best of my life. I was working a simple job and just enjoying the city, had enough money to go out to eat or do whatever I wanted. Recession hit and things took a turn for the worse, while I still liked Victoria as a city, I was looking to get out pretty much ASAP after that, because my job went down and no better work was available for some time. Stayed for a while, 2013-14 weren't so bad either but I was living on a tight paycheck.

I would definitely recommend at least visiting again after Covid, there's a lot of great tourist attractions and even the parks are quite nice. Bastion Square is probably my favorite part of town. I'd also recommend going up north a bit to Duncan and the Cowichan Valley/River, absolutely beautiful area. I will warn you though that rent prices are much higher than they were pre 2016 here, so you may have to look out for that. Not sure where housing prices are. There's been a lot of new people moving into the city since the mid 2010s economic recovery.
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