Any thoughts on the Fuji X-T20, its the same price as the Sony A6300 body ?
That's what I shoot with. I *love* it. I came from Canon (20D > 5D II > 7D). Canon APS-C sensors are garbage compared to what this little Fuji will do, and the bodies I had couldn't touch this Fuji on AF performance. Do you know how stupid it is to be forced to only have focus points in the center of your view?
Fuji are a delight to use, photography is fun again for me. I love having several great film-simulations to pick from. Because of these I pick the film-sim to match my mood, shoot JPG and skip RAW (unless I'm getting paid). JPGs come out gorgeous and then I can quickly transfer to my iPhone via Wi-Fi and share it. I rarely end up in front of a computer with photography now and that makes me happy. I have too many hobbies that end up with me sitting on my butt in front of a screen. Fuji put me in touch with the art of photography again and gets me out shooting.
Because it's so small and light I even bought myself an everyday carry man-purse and take my kit with me everywhere. I would never do that with a matching DSLR kit. I also bought a battery pack and can charge the camera via USB if the camera is low. Worked like a champ on my trip to Japan last April without killing my back.
I have the 23 1.4 (bought used off eBay for $550) and the 50 f2. I shoot the majority of photos with the 23 1.4, it's such a great lens.
EDIT: I have normal sized guy hands, and the camera is small. I bought a Meike hand grip (like $20?) and it makes a world of difference. You get used to the smaller size pretty quick. My work has a 5DIII here and it about breaks my arm everytime I pick it up. I don't miss that size at all.