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Ok. Recharge and maybe try a reinstall of Backgrounder and see whats up. Good luck
Im having the same issue.. i tried unistalling/reinstalling (nothing) respring (nothing) I finally went into backgrounder prefrences and turned off badges and that seems to solve the issue. Maybe they will take care of it in the next update?
I turned off those badges also.
I couldnt turn off manually the ones that appear for safari,phone, mail and ipod.
Basicly the stuff that runs in the back usually no matter what. I dont want to see those all the time cause I know they're obviously run. Anyone figured a way to turn just those off? I went into settings and those are supposed to be blacklisted but still display even after a respring.
I also noticed this badge appearing after the update.

The only problem is that I turned badges off and now anytime I turn my iphone off and then back on springboard crashes. If I turn badges back on then the problem goes away and it starts up properly.

Anyone have any ideas or care to try this on their iphone? Is it a new bug in the update?

I have a Iphone 3gs btw.
so this badge thing is it a bug

is everyone having this problem?

I havent updated yet

Yes it most likely is a bug. I turned the badges off but I'm still getting a strange thing sending me into Safe Mode and needing a Respring occasionally. If I were you I would NOT update and wait for these issues to be fixed. It worked fine before.

As far as my situation, is there any way to restore the older verison? This version is garbage.
Yes it most likely is a bug. I turned the badges off but I'm still getting a strange thing sending me into Safe Mode and needing a Respring occasionally. If I were you I would NOT update and wait for these issues to be fixed. It worked fine before.

As far as my situation, is there any way to restore the older verison? This version is garbage.

You can download the svn.r249 deb from here:

That is the last release and install via terminal.

svn.r261 is the one on Cydia right now
Exactly. The Phone and Mail are not meant to be closed. Trying to do so will only cause issues/crashes.

the phone app will ALWAYS stay on no matter what. However the mail app can be completely closed ONLY if you have it set to manual checking. Any push or fetch will make the app stay open.
the phone app will ALWAYS stay on no matter what. However the mail app can be completely closed ONLY if you have it set to manual checking. Any push or fetch will make the app stay open.

also, if you open your contacts, mail will open in the background...i learned this recently as i was having problems with my mail downloading when i didnt want it to. Did some research and found out that when you open the contacts, the mail program also opens and checks your mail if it wasnt running prior.

I dont mind the icon, i havent even tried to disable it. In fact, i like it...i removed backgrounder a while ago cause i noticed i was forgetting to stop apps in the background and my battery would run dead in less than a day. The icon reminds me to close stuff as i browse through my phone...
also, if you open your contacts, mail will open in the background...i learned this recently as i was having problems with my mail downloading when i didnt want it to. Did some research and found out that when you open the contacts, the mail program also opens and checks your mail if it wasnt running prior.

I dont mind the icon, i havent even tried to disable it. In fact, i like it...i removed backgrounder a while ago cause i noticed i was forgetting to stop apps in the background and my battery would run dead in less than a day. The icon reminds me to close stuff as i browse through my phone...

Yea, that's why I want the icons. I just don't want them for Phone, iPod, Safari and Email because those generally are kept running. :D
Yea, that's why I want the icons. I just don't want them for Phone, iPod, Safari and Email because those generally are kept running. :D

I contacted the developer about this right after the upgrade. You all have it cannot distinguish between backgrounded apps and those that Apple runs in the background by default, therefore no way to selectively turn off badges. I didn't like them showing up in my docked icons and decided to use the global off option. It's a great idea though, and I'm hoping some day he can figure out how to give us the option for selecting by app.
I use LeoBadge theme and I love it.

i had the same problem.. it lead me to uninstall "backgrounder" entirely. it annoyed me that much.. they should have an option to turn it off...
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