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Original poster
May 10, 2004
The Lowepro CompuRover AW seems like it, but I'm not sure if a sweater fits in it. Does it?

Any other options?


macrumors 6502
Nov 24, 2004
East Coast, USA
It really depends on what DSLR. If it's a 1-series, or similar, then you're more limited. The lowepro is big and a bit heavy, but it will carry that. The top compartment is ok, and could hold a sweater, and a bit more if it's a thin one, but not much more if it's one of those bulky ones.


macrumors 65816
Stupid site. Unreadable info. Seems pure hype, not pro.

I don't even know if that brand is available here.

Lowepro is all-weather.


I would say something about judging a book by its cover, but I think I'll resist. By "over here," I'm assuming that you're talking about the other side of the Atlantic, and namely, the UK. Crumpler is available there, and they make some truly great products. I don't need to haul around my laptop, but I went with the 6 million dollar home, which is very nice bag. It's built like a tank, and yes, it's rain-proof. I think you should go to a store somewhere, and check it out before you make rash judgements.


Original poster
May 10, 2004
I'm sorry, but such confusing anti-marketing which wastes my time does it for me.

Don't assume the UK.

baby duck monge

macrumors 68000
Feb 16, 2003
Memphis, TN
I have the CompuDaypack (not WR), and it would fit everything you wanted (again, depending on the exact DSLR and which lenses). In China, I carried my Olympus E-500, 14-45mm, 40-150mm, 30mm, a P&S, a diffuser made from the bottom of a Gatorade bottle, a couple liters of water, some snacks, a guidebook, and sometimes a raincoat. Yes, it was a bit heavy, and yes it was kinda a tight fit, but I was able to carry it all.

If the CompuRover is a similar size, it will probably do what you want it to do.


Original poster
May 10, 2004
Yes, I briefly looked at that one and was not sure if it was a bit small.
I looked at it again, and I see that it lacks the AW cover, which is my favorite feature of Lowepro, short of the waterproof ones.


baby duck monge

macrumors 68000
Feb 16, 2003
Memphis, TN
Yes, I briefly looked at that one and was not sure if it was a bit small.
I looked at it again, and I see that it lacks the AW cover, which is my favorite feature of Lowepro, short of the waterproof ones.


Oh, I was not trying to suggest that you get the CompuDaypack instead of the CompuRover. I was just saying that, if they are similar in size, the CompuRover should do exactly what you want.


Original poster
May 10, 2004
Why does Tamrac have to write max. computer dimensions only in inches? GRR.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I wrote this to a friend of mine, who just asked me for very similar advice. I cut out irrelevent parts for you.

I think my Crumpler Sinking Barge, the Lowepro CompuRover AW, and Tamrac Adventure 9 were all around the same price. I chose the Crumpler because the "Customary Barge" allows me to get my camera vwithout taking off my backpack!!! With the Lowepro and Tamrac, you need to take off the backpack, place it on the ground or a table, unzip the camera compartment, and take your camera out. With my Crumpler, you can unzip it and get to your camera just by taking off one strap and swinging it around your body. No risk of the camera falling out due to the design. That's a HUGE convenience. :)

The quality of the Crumpler seems much better than the Tamrac or Lowepro, but my friend seems to enjoy the Tamrac. It's obvious once you touch the straps.

The Crumpler Customary Barge's camera compartment is smaller than the Tamrac's and Lowepros. For me, this is OK because I only intended on having a camera + 2 lenses. I think 2 lenses, or 1 mid sized lens + 2 small lenses is enough. With the Lowepro CompuRover and Tamrac Adventure 9, you can carry your camera plus another 4 medium-sized lenses or so.

As for the "general compartment", the Crumpler's is by far the most useful. It has a larger carrying capacity than the others, and can easily hold a jumper, sunscreen, sunglasses, map, small point & shoot camera, among other things. The Crumpler is also the only bag that can hold an A4-sized notebook, magazine, or paper of any sort without folding or rolling it. This is IMPOSSIBLE with the other 2 bags. I knew it would be a useful feature, but not this useful. Fantastic!


Sooooo.....if you want a smaller "general" compartment and larger camera compartment, get the Lowepro or Tamrac. If you want a larger, more useful "general" compartment and don't mind a smaller camera compartment, get the Crumpler.

Between the Lowepro and Tamrac, I don't think it matters. The only REAL difference is that the Lowepro CompuRover can carry a tripod, while the Tamrac can't do it without a special add-on. Other than that, the most interesting feature is an all-weather (AW) cover. :p No, really. It's not a really special, magical cover that's easier to put on, or protects the bag better than other AW covers. It just means the cover is included with the bag, and is stored in its own, "difficult to find" pocket. Don't let this be the deciding factor. ;) Get the bag you like most, and then buy an AW cover of your own, and put it in a pocket of any bag.

Remember, even a black garbage bag is more waterproof than most AW covers. Buy one from any outdoor store if you want a better cover.

Stupid site. Unreadable info. Seems pure hype, not pro.

I don't even know if that brand is available here.

Lowepro is all-weather.


Too bad. The quality of my Crumpler is better than the quality of the Lowepro and equivalent Tamrac that you're looking at. Oh well, continue on. ;)


Original poster
May 10, 2004
Crumpler posts no internal dimension specifications and the models mentioned are not available here.


macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2007
Planet Earth
go to a camera shop. When I was looking around for a bag, I went to my local Jessops (UK camera shop) had a look at the different bags and went for the Crumpler Daily 600 (which I'll get in a little over 1 weeks time for my birthday from my wife). I found looking around the websites didn't really help.


Original poster
May 10, 2004
Yeah, it sucks looking at websites, but the camera shops usually don't have the models I'm interested in, much less Crumpler.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Crumpler posts no internal dimension specifications and the models mentioned are not available here.

I forgot about that. In the UK, the models are different. I don't know why. Crumpler is an Australian company, and yet the only place that gets different stuff is the UK.

If you want internal dimensions, go here:

and put your mouse pointer over the product you're interested. See the dimensions appear?


macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2007
Planet Earth
you beat me to it, was about to post the same link, but then started looking at the Daily 600 and wishing it was my birthday today.


Original poster
May 10, 2004
Yeah, I saw the local site is better than the American one, and most dimensions are there. All the computer pouches are too small.
The CompuRover AW lists bigger internal dimensions for the computer compartment.
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