While I can agree to an extent - it's a bad analogy. Movies are money makers pretty much even if they are dupes, ripoffs, sequels, reboots, etc. They get made to make money. And even the worst ones make money because after they are released, there are rights for video, web, foreign, tv, etc.
And 90 percent of movies/literature/music is derivative of something. There are very FEW original ideas.
I don't think that it's a bad analogy. I'm talking purely from a creative/comedic point-of-view. I recognize that even the crappiest formulaic movie can find a way to turn a profit. I know there is a difference between a video made for fun and a movie made for money. That's not the point. If something is done to death, it really doesn't need to be done just one more time, regardless if it is for money or not.
That aside - if you don't want to watch - don't click. It's that simple. But why stifle someone else's creativity?
But I did watch. The member posted the link, I was curious, so I clicked. Am I only allowed to post in the thread if I liked it? I really don't understand why you have a problem with me not liking something, and then providing the reasons as to why I didn't like it......