10.8.2 Broke Something
Well I'm running a 2012 rMBP which has had excellent 7+ hours battery life.
After updating, eventually, to 10.8.2 and the recent MBP/Air update (graphics drivers?) I am now down to less than 3 HOURS !!
No other environmental factors have changed, I'm not doing anything differently. Working (text editor) in the 20 minute taxi to the airport this now it has consumed 15% of the 100% after overnight charge.
People claiming "well I've not seen this", "I've never heard of this" or "stop watching the percentages and time the actual battery life" need to pull their neck in. This is a very real issue for a lot of people, just becuase it doesnt currently affect you doesnt give you the right to troll other people.
Yes, this "update" has, for me, CREATED a battery life issue which I didn't have before.
I really hope that 10.8.3 does something to change this, its obviously software/firmware related.