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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 1, 2021
I currently have iPhone 12 mini (with MagSafe battery pack) and the battery health is at 85%. The issue I am facing currently is that the battery runs out of juice too fast. Especially when I am travelling. I just took some photos and messaged to some people, yet the battery runs out so fast.
I just can't get one day battery life out of my iPhone 12 mini and when I checked my battery usage it showed that Music app has used most of the battery (54%) and for whatever reason the MagSafe battery pack doesn't seem to be helping much either. While I was travelling around with people I pretty much did the same as everyone else and yet my phone seemed to always die fast. It really hasn't bothered me that much, because I can charge my phone at home all the time. This time I had to use Airplane mode in order to save some battery life.

Is it just my iPhone or the battery is THAT BAD for real? I asked my friend that is on iOS 14 and has iPhone 13 mini and she has the same issue.

The thing is in our group there were people with Samsung 51A's etc and their batteries lasted way longer and as I was in a hurry I forgot my charger, so I bought a power bank in order to charge my iPhone and MagSafe battery pack and I had to carry the lighting cable and the battery pack with me all the time in order to use my iPhone normally. I've noticed the battery issues before, but I thought it's no biggie since the phone charges fast. (It didn't with the power bank and I always had to wait for ages).

Does anyone have any tips how I could maximise my battery life or how I should use my MagSafe battery pack? Why does it run out of the battery that fast?

New phone really isn't an option for me at the moment as I can't afford it, although I had some thoughts about selling my iPhone and buying an Android phone. I don't really know what to do about it. Is it because I upgraded to iOS 17? Or does mobile data really drain battery that fast? Then again everyone else were using mobile data as well. The only drawbacks I saw on many of the mid-range Android phones was the slowness and lagginess, but the battery lasted longer and probably a worse camera. Is there any way I could make my iPhone last for the whole day while just taking photos and using my phone? I didn't even surf the web or anything.

now i see it

macrumors G4
Jan 2, 2002
The mini has a small battery compared to the bigger phones — that’s why it doesn’t last long.
Replace the battery. 80% is EOL and yours is at 85%.
Also running the phone in Battery Saver Mode all the time will get you some more time at the expense of a slower processor.


macrumors 603
Sep 8, 2011
Mini is fine for a light user. If you’re using the music app several hours a day… that’s not for you 😬
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