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I'm not sure what making the phone in China and adding other repos have in common other than it appears the one mentioned above may be from HK. Be that as it may, there are a few suspect repos included in Cydia. However that is the risk I decided to take to have Slingbox on 3g. Besides the standard stuff needed for the JB, I only added tricker3G which added mobile substrate. Beyond that if I can do a hack thats worth it without using Cydia, I'm up for finding the tools and giving it a try. I once tricked a phone out so much, I realized that the primary purpose, making and receiving phone calls no longer worked, but I could browse the internet LOL

I have a 2G and i have the newest swirly MMS which is actually a real good program but it costs money. However, i also have the MMS capabilty doing it the exact same way it was meant to be used on 3G and the new 3G S using a program in Cydia. I have the camera icon next to my message typer and ive sent and recived already. All the others for the most part cant do that yet because AT&T is screrwing them over, but i can.....and im not supposed to be able to use that at all with my 2G because Steve Jobs didnt think us 2G users were worthy i guess.

IMO jailbreaking is awesome while everybody else who dont do it is whining and refuse to do it for whatever reason. Some claim lag time, but right now mine is actually faster in load ups than it was with 2.2....those are the wusses im talking about.
Battery working!

iPhone 2G w/T-Mobile JB&Unlocked

I tried both ways:

first I tried to openSSH and replace the plist entry. It worked but I was also attempting to enable MMS on my iPhone at the same time. When I would restart the phone the percentage was up but the MMS wans't. I would reinstall the MMS and that would be up but the percentage wouldn't be.

I decided to install the source and install the battery percentage add and it is working great and stays on with the MMS as well!

Try the source and add it from Cydia it's less of a hassle!
Originally Posted by junebug1
My solution was to simply add the source into cydia and there is a percentage add on from their repo that works flawlessly for me and doesn't eat the battery like sbsettings does.

Where did u get the from?
Originally Posted by junebug1
My solution was to simply add the source into cydia and there is a percentage add on from their repo that works flawlessly for me and doesn't eat the battery like sbsettings does.

Where did u get the from?

Go to cydia, then to manage ( on bottom) and then go to source, then edit(top right) then add(top left) then type it in
I have SBSettings & Winterboard running and have no battery problems. (Both have been accussed of draining the battery)

I really think there is another issue causing this and for those affected phones, JB apps just speed up the battery loss.

Otherwise, why are many of us not seeing the battery drain.

Hopefully, someone will figure it out.

If you guys haven't already realized, the current version of ultrasn0w is a MAJOR battery drainer - this is most likely what's causing the issue for a lot of people. I'm hoping the Dev Team will release an update sometime in the future that will fix this bug, but for now - I suggest that if you really need all of your remaining battery usage, are not able to charge your iPhone for some reason, and don't really NEED to make a call right now, just uninstall ultrasn0w and reinstall it when you want to make a call. This may seem like somewhat of a hassle; plus you don't won't to miss calls from other people, so again - I would only do this if really necessary. Hope I could help! =)
Can one confirm that the battery percentage turns off when you slide it to the off position ? Mine does not turn off even though it says it is off.
I have SBSettings and % Battery and haven't noticed ANY drop in battery life. Just FYI. It might be something else that's eating up others' battery lives. Maybe Push Notifications? Perhaps Auto Brightness.
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