For those of you who use BeeJive on your iPhone, do you leave it logged in all day when you're at work? I mostly use BeeJive for Google Talk but the thing that really annoys me is that it continues to receive messages even when I'm logged into GChat on my office computer. Once I respond to a message on the computer, BeeJive stops getting messages for a little while but will all of a sudden get them again later in the day.
Is there any way to prevent BeeJive from getting any messages when logged into Google Talk on the computer?! If not, how do you guys manage your messages throughout the course of the day without getting annoyed and logging off of the app?
Is there any way to prevent BeeJive from getting any messages when logged into Google Talk on the computer?! If not, how do you guys manage your messages throughout the course of the day without getting annoyed and logging off of the app?