You can have your opinion, thats fine, but you really should not slam other for having theirs either. Its only right.
As far as my statement, Beejive does not have as many features like say ...IM+ does. At this point IM+ is hardly even usable, its too buggy and slow. Other then when FB makes changes i personally have not had issues with Beejive. Why would i have any reason to even look at trillan? What "garbage" options does beejive have? I'm willing to agree if you make a valid point, but you can't just say things without backing them up either.
Trillian might work but its not perfect either?
(from reviews, and i only mention bugs mentioned by users more then once)
no emotes
no landscape
sometimes can't scroll to the bottom
takes long to log into the app
UI is not clear for what client contacts are on (colored circles)
no facebook
Need to create a sepreate trillan account
other then that...people either hate trillan or love it. However, all the issues i noted do not occur in beejive, and to be fair beejive has been a longer time to develop and that goes back to my original point...functionality.