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macrumors 601
Oct 26, 2009
So with my new Mac I have a virtual machine only with El Capitain and CPN... so I click the CPN icon and the CPN appear in my desktop and I can use it "normally", write, copy, paste like with any other software.
I've got a similar "solution". I've got a headless mac Mini I use as a server running Sierra. CPN and all the 32-bit software I still need run on that which I access using Screen Sharing. Since I have generally given up on CPN, it's only useful if I want to access the original notebooks rather than the extracted PDFs.


macrumors 68000
Dec 22, 2007
The cesspit of civilization
I'm was really sorry to see CPN go and now I'm looking for alternatives. The main functionality I'd like to find in a different app are:

1. outliner capacity
2. ability to have multiple outlines in the same file/document
3. ability to link different cells

I own omnioutliner but have used it for different purposes than CPN, because it doesn't meet criteria 2.

One of the best options I've found so far is NoteTaker, but I've read reports that the app is no longer being developed (

I own and use Devonthink and Evernote and think they are both great, but they don't have a dedicated outlining capacity. Evernote is set up to sync with Outline, but Outline doesn't meat criteria 3.

So, at the moment I'm down to:

a) Curio. I use and own Curio but the outlining capacity is not as advanced as CPN.

b) NeO. This is an unknown entity for me and I haven't found many reviews, but the feature set looks promising (

c) Tree. I've used Tree 1 and am considering Tree 2. I don't think it meets criteria 3 but it more or less meets criteria 2 in the form of tabs.

Anyone has advice/experiences?
Have you tried MS Word in note mode? I think it covers all your requisites...
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