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VideoMonkey seems like a pretty good choice:

"Video Monkey is a free video encoding application exclusively for Mac. It was created after the demise of the great tool Visual Hub. Video Monkey borrows heavily from the Visual Hub video conversion tool, both conceptually and from the original code dump posted to SourceForge as TranscoderRedux."

that requires 10.5,im on 10.4 thanks though
that requires 10.5,im on 10.4 thanks though

No wonder you think hb is slow, with 10.4 the only hb rev you can use is 0.9.1 which is much slower than 0.9.3.

might be time to upgrade OS's as you can tell, more and more projects are 10.5 only.
until my birthday in august,when i get my mac mini*hopefully*,i wont have a machine capable of running leopard
until my birthday in august,when i get my mac mini*hopefully*,i wont have a machine capable of running leopard

So you have a machine that has less then a 867Mhz G4, and you expect to be able to encode video quickly? That's not gonna happen no matter what software you use.

yeah,i just want the fastest one i know it will be painfully slow

Unfortunately, in your case, you are going to have to pick one of the following: quality or speed. HandBrake will do a fast job for you if you are willing to wipe out all the advanced x264 settings or move to FFMpeg encoding.
Remember, HandBrake is using x264 for encoding, probably the most efficient encoder out there. All the advanced settings that go with it are to improve the quality of the encode, but at a trade off with speed. So, it's not HandBrake itself that is causing you to go slow, its the encoding options (and your hardware).
Clear all the options and you will get a speedy encode, at the expense of an awful looking encode.
I second VisualHub.

It's gonna be REALLY REALLY slow on an old G4 though. Any video converting software will be. I remember with my 17" 1.67 G4 PowerBook, it took about 6 hours to convert a movie.
i cant get handbrake.the version the is supported on tiger only does dvds. visual hub has been discontinued can someone pm me a link for it?
just found visual!. its going faster the videora on my 1.1 ghz pc!!! thank you guys so much!!!
Handbrake. Hands down. You asked for the best, but don't want the best . . .

Want to see handbrake really hum? Quadcore Xeon Xserve. :) I load a FW800, take to work, let the Xserve do the magic.
Visual hub is great, but I don't think it compares to handbrake. Its fast yes, but my conversions always had macroblocking, and the dark scenes looked horrible.

Handbrake, I have yet to see any dark scene issues

personally,if you dont like handbrake,and you dont mind paying for it, i personally like Roxio's Toast Titanium HD...i have quicktime pro and i think it's WAY too slow to convert stuff in my opinion.:D
haha.maybe visual hub is just better for slow machines,i dont know

no, it just does a lower quality encode which is faster.

For example, compare VH's speed to HandBrakes "Classic" preset. You will find even on your machine HB's Classic preset is very fast. Quality ? Thats for you to decide.

There is no doubt that given the same settings HB is faster than VH. Period.

Visual Quality . Encoding Speed. Pick one.
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