Any recommendations and price isn't a problem.
OP, chiming in a bit. First, some good recommendations here - I use both Word and Scrivener, the former for most of my production work and the latter for the work/papers I publish in my line of work, both are cross-platform. A couple of tips, from a long-time Word user who still stays in touch with the needs of students as I hire interns for some work in my offices.
I'd offer sticking with Word, with a couple of caveats. Office 2019 and the updated Office 365 are due out in about 6 weeks or so, with MS unifying the two OS interfaces when Office 2019 is issued; they're already beta testing the "corporate" version of Office 2019 and the two suites are pretty similar right now across common apps (obviously no Access or Publisher on macOS). The "online" version of Office is already being pushed in the web interface (via - it, too, will share a common code base with all of the other mobile and desktop platforms (starting last February).
That bit written, yes, I used Word back in the late '80s in university (v. 5.1, still one of my favorite versions...). Used then, and now, for document exchange amongst peers.
And, you should be aware of student programs for free and discounted software, there's a bunch of them - including MS. MS, for years, has offered a program just for educational purposes. Up to 4 years of free access to Office 365 - it used to be a free license to Office - all you need is an .edu email address for activation. It's detailed here - it's not a US-based thing, my GF took advantage while going to school in London and Edinburgh without issue:
Good luck in university, and cheers.