Can someone confirm that CQ @ 62 is better than ABR @ 2500 on SD material please.
No one will ever be able to confirm this for you. The two are mutually exclusive. It would all depend on your source, as has been said ad nauseum, cq will keep a specific visual quaility and vary bitrate (sometimes wildly) to maintain that quality. ABR will just enode at that average abr with no regard to the visual quality whatsoever.
Realize that 62% cq on sd material is damn near transparent to the source, which means it's within a hair visually of the source dvd. Bitrates will come out all over the place depending on the complexity, etc of each scene.
Having said that, it is possible that a 2500 abr encode on a specific source may come out the same as 62% cq ... then again it might not.
I strongly suggest using cq, bumping it down (or maybe up on notch if you want) to play with the quality. The only reason cq was not the original ATV preset back with 0.9.1 was that we wanted to be extremely conservative and not risk the atv dropping frames on a high complexity source. So, we went with 2500 way back when the atv was first introduced because we knew it would be a. safe for the atv, and b. in general give an acceptable level of visual quality in *most* cases for a canned preset.
Two things have changed since then. With the newer atv software versions it appears that the atv can handle more without dropping frames. At the same time x264 (the video encoder used in hb's appletv presets) has advanced significantly to the effect that a 62% cq setting will yield a much better looking picture at a smaller file size/ bitrate .
Basically a win/win situation. Once you start getting comfortable with cq you will likely never return back to abr unless your target platform requires it.
Having said that, right before the release of HB 0.9.3 we tossed the old ATV preset back in under Apple > Legacy because we knew there were those who would feel more comfortable with it. Also, it makes it easy to compare the two presets with the same source.
Have fun.