I think that a net top would do you well. Will stream everything that you want to stream, and you can use Media Center to make the interface easier for your girlfriend/non techy people.
cheaper here, and then you could buy 2gb of ram and upgrade it and still be within your 3-400 budget.
Or you could try the Acer Aspire Revo which also seems to be a popular nettop, but I don't have experience with either to tell you which would be better.
I think that a net top would do you well. Will stream everything that you want to stream, and you can use Media Center to make the interface easier for your girlfriend/non techy people.
cheaper here, and then you could buy 2gb of ram and upgrade it and still be within your 3-400 budget.
Or you could try the Acer Aspire Revo which also seems to be a popular nettop, but I don't have experience with either to tell you which would be better.