I just want to point out being fastidious on an AdBlockers privacy while using, plus being part of, instagram (facespace, gloogle, and the others) is kind of like complaining that about the fireman’s hose you want to use to put out your campfire while if you turn around you would see your whole house has already burnt to the ground.
It’s great privacy and tracking are getting out there and we as consumers need to put these companies and law makers under a microscope. But honestly we give away freely more important information than our computers/phones track.
Block all the Ads you want with whatever open source code makes you feel warm and fuzzy, yet still clicking “like” on whatever platform you use defeats the purpose you are trying to achieve.
No, that is a malentendu, I don't even have Facebook or any social media, but I did that day land on Instagram, because I was basically testing AdGuard. So I was visiting all kinds of different sites to see how it behaves and appears.
It won't matter for me that Instagram doesn't work, but it's good to know it messes up sites, so I know what to expect. Apart from that I totally agree with you.
Honestly, if you want a solution to block all ads, without using any programs, I'd use a host file replacement and change your host file directly with MacOS. There's a couple of good Host file replacements on the web to block ads. If you need more information, feel free to respond.
Remember though, with modifying a host file, there is no "switch" to turn off the ad block though.
Just an option.
Thank you, that sounds like an interesting option (although, admitted, I am not very tech-savvy and don't know what most of that means). Could you give me some more info?
As for the thing with the switch, why would that be a problem? Are you thinking of practical reasons in case sites require you to turn off your adblock? And I suppose I can always modify that host file again (although it's certainly more work than pressing "turn off adblock").