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i rarely use the 'universal' setting, but if yours is around 3hrs then mine would be at 4, my machine is an original CoreDuo MBP, there is quite a slow down!!

Which settings do you use for your handbraking? Where / how do you watch your media? Just getting some ideas for optimizing my epic Handbrake run.
Which settings do you use for your handbraking? Where / how do you watch your media? Just getting some ideas for optimizing my epic Handbrake run.

there are three ways i normally "convert" or rip my movies.

1. direct rips - this is becoming more common as i get fussier with the quality and become less concerned with the price of storage..
2. custom preset - set to around 69% constant and pass through audio, anamorphic resolution setting.
3. 4000kbps video, pass-through audio and similar visual settings to above.

i watch these on my 19" monitor hooked to my MBP, on my 42" LCD panasonic HD TV, on my gf's 47" panasonic plasma TV, and on my friends 50" pioneer plasma TV.. all are connected via a DVI->HDMI cable. the 4000kbps doesnt look anywhere near as good as the 69% setting version, which doesnt look as good as the complete rip.

its just a matter of choice, if you want to save space then you will go with the Universal setting of course, if not then rips are perfect :)

bed time for me, talk 2morrow!
As many others on these forums I am in the process of converting my very large DVD collection into a digital format. I use handbrake on the Apple Universal settings. Films look great on my 32" Philips 720p HD TV.

My problem is I owned a 2.8GHz 8 core MacPro for a few months. The plan was to sell my iMac and my MBP to fund it. I sold the iMac but the MBP wouldnt sell for a reasonable price so the MacPro had to go.

The MacPro would take 30-45 mins to do a film. My late 08 uMBP 2.4GHz takes ~ 3 hours. This is a real drag. Now although I cant afford a MP at the current time I can afford an iMac however is there going to be any great speed increase in the time it takes to rip a film? If there is not much difference then would there be much difference between my MacBook Pro and a Mac Mini?

If there was little difference between the MBP and Mac Mini then I could buy a mini, and just leave it to rip. I cant do this with my MBP because the fans need to be at 6200RPM to keep it at a nice cool 72C. All the time it is on my lap because I dont want to have to stop using it a 3 hours at a time while it rips DVDs! The MBP is my primary and only machine at the moment.

Another thought is, is there a better setting to rip with that will take less time but keep the quality the same?

Any thoughts much appreciated.

he is converting, not ripping.. ;)

Wouldn't this be the same as ripping? Taking a DVD and turing it into a playable format for say apple tv or ipod?
I've ripped several DVDs without ever converting them to another format (transcoding).

Hmmmm.. Ok. Maybe I am confused then. The OP was using the universal settings to rip into a digital format. Wouldn't this be taking your dvd and ripping it into say a mp4 format? Or am I missing something? Especially since the OP said digital format?

Unless he/she has found a way to rip it to iso or keep the TS folder structure?
Hmmmm.. Ok. Maybe I am confused then. The OP was using the universal settings to rip into a digital format. Wouldn't this be taking your dvd and ripping it into say a mp4 format? Or am I missing something? Especially since the OP said digital format?
It's up to you if you want to transcode or not. Given that the OP wants to use Handbrake they do.

DoFoT9 already went over some options.

Unless he/she has found a way to rip it to iso or keep the TS folder structure?
MacTheRipper, RipIt, and DVD Fab already do this.
I understand this... really I do.. I was responding to DoFoT9 remark of converting and ripping...

I also know the other programs you mentioned are capable of doing iso etc... however the specific question was to handbrake...... correct?

Another thought is, is there a better setting to rip with that will take less time but keep the quality the

And the OP wanted to know about about ripping. So my response was to DoFoT9........

Originally Posted by DoFoT9
he is converting, not ripping..

So that is why I asked about the ripping/converting.... :)
Sorry for my confusing use of incorrect terminology. I am looking to encode a DVD using handbrake and the Apple Universal preset or similar.

I think the best suggestion was by xraydoc to buy on older 2.66 Mac Pro, if it can do what I wish in 30 mins or so then I'm happy. I am winning one on eBay at the moment.

Right now I have been ripping using MactheRipper to create a backlog in the day, I then use handbrake to encode the queue at night.
so many replies!!

Wouldn't this be the same as ripping? Taking a DVD and turing it into a playable format for say apple tv or ipod?

ripping as i understand it is when you directly copy the disc onto your HD. e.g. using MTR or similar.

I've ripped several DVDs without ever converting them to another format (transcoding).

ahh thats what its called, transcoding.. thanks!

Hmmmm.. Ok. Maybe I am confused then. The OP was using the universal settings to rip into a digital format. Wouldn't this be taking your dvd and ripping it into say a mp4 format? Or am I missing something? Especially since the OP said digital format?

Unless he/she has found a way to rip it to iso or keep the TS folder structure?

the OP was interested in converting into the 'Universal' preset, he was ripping the DVDs to his HD so that he could create a backlog for overnight converting etc.

It's up to you if you want to transcode or not. Given that the OP wants to use Handbrake they do.

given that he wants to convert multiple movies at the same time that is..

DoFoT9 already went over some options.

that i did :) thats just my personal preference though.

Sorry for my confusing use of incorrect terminology. I am looking to encode a DVD using handbrake and the Apple Universal preset or similar.

I think the best suggestion was by xraydoc to buy on older 2.66 Mac Pro, if it can do what I wish in 30 mins or so then I'm happy. I am winning one on eBay at the moment.

Right now I have been ripping using MactheRipper to create a backlog in the day, I then use handbrake to encode the queue at night.

nice idea! that will get it going, poor MBP though! having to work so hard lol.. how big are the movies once finished?

I understand this... really I do.. I was responding to DoFoT9 remark of converting and ripping...

I also know the other programs you mentioned are capable of doing iso etc... however the specific question was to handbrake...... correct?

at that point in the conversation it was aimed at handbrake, i believe it was later on when the ripping option came into it..

And the OP wanted to know about about ripping. So my response was to DoFoT9........

a mistake on my behalf :p i hope its all cleared now :)
I am thinking, if I dont win an older MacPro on eBay of eBaying my current MBP and buy a new MacPro from Apple before my student discoount runs out in Sept. I very rarely move my MBP around now I have graduated.

Any ideas how much my MBP (in sig) is worth. In £ please Im in the UK :D
so many replies!!

ripping as i understand it is when you directly copy the disc onto your HD. e.g. using MTR or similar.

ahh thats what its called, transcoding.. thanks!

the OP was interested in converting into the 'Universal' preset, he was ripping the DVDs to his HD so that he could create a backlog for overnight converting etc.

given that he wants to convert multiple movies at the same time that is..

that i did :) thats just my personal preference though.

nice idea! that will get it going, poor MBP though! having to work so hard lol.. how big are the movies once finished?

at that point in the conversation it was aimed at handbrake, i believe it was later on when the ripping option came into it..

a mistake on my behalf :p i hope its all cleared now :)

LOL.. thank you very much.......... All is good! :):)
The refurb price is £1100, however I doubt that is what it will sell for on eBay. I guess I can expect £900 to £1000?
The refurb price is £1100, however I doubt that is what it will sell for on eBay. I guess I can expect £900 to £1000?
Less than a refurb of course. You're on target.

I still think that keeping your notebook and just getting a Windows tower for transcoding would be better. Core 2 Quad is cheap.
I still think that keeping your notebook and just getting a Windows tower for transcoding would be better. Core 2 Quad is cheap.

That is exactly what I did when all I had was my iMac. VNC'd into my quad core vista PC. Worked great for converting my DVD library to :apple:TV friendly format
I've got a custom-built Intel Core i7 920 rig with hyperthreading (a total of 8 threads) overclocked to 4 Ghz. Boy does it rip DVD's fast.
I've got a custom-built Intel Core i7 920 rig with hyperthreading (a total of 8 threads) overclocked to 4 Ghz. Boy does it rip DVD's fast.

rip or transcode?? we already discussed this issue lol

ripping = copy VIDEO_TS to HD with no converting.

transcode = convert into .mp4, .avi etc...

That is exactly what I did when all I had was my iMac. VNC'd into my quad core vista PC. Worked great for converting my DVD library to :apple:TV friendly format
Yeah Handbrake under Windows works just the same. If that's all you're going to need heavy lifting for it's a great solution and easier on the wallet than a Mac Pro.
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