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I still carry/use Treo (Palm OS) phone and for that still have SplashID so I can sync Mac-to-Palm. Also use 1Password. 1Password stopped Palm OS support and does not sync under newest OS.

Two password manager apps, then. PACE - as Alex Lindsay suggests - primary alternate contingency emergency. Which means, print them out and put in safe place or use "Forgot Password" for things such as websites authentication.
Cool....just saw your posting. What's the reason you use password master over keychain? One thing about keychain is I found it a little cumbersome to use and I found many websites disable "autofill", so keychain can't plug in accounts and passwords. I guess this wouldn't change with password master?

What about RoboForm? I think it is available for MAC now.


Useful thread, I was about to go for KeePassX (mainly as it's free), but then I found that OS X has a password generator - it's in the Keychain Access application (or anyplace where OS X asks for a password, such as Accounts) - just click on the key icon when making a new Password Item. So really Keychain Access is all you need.
The only problem seems to be - it thinks 'mKGCRHK4sAKN8vUwf385XgdCxu' is a weak password :)

Keychain doesn't record all my passwords. Lost my password and haven't been able to retrieve yet, so i need a manager that works.


I have 1password on the following systems

My Mac
My Work PC
My ipod
My Android

It is, in my opinion, the best Mac app on the market and far and away the best password manager. No other app (Mac OR PC) comes even close to what this app provides(and I am including LastPass, which BTW offers a way to export your data from 1Password into Lastpass).

Tried 1password a few tears ago, but too complicated for me. I want one that will save passwords when i log into a site, but it didn't seem to do it, and keychain has only a few of my passwords--frustrating.
What about RoboForm? I think it is available for MAC now.
Tried 1password a few tears ago, but too complicated for me. I want one that will save passwords when i log into a site, but it didn't seem to do it, and keychain has only a few of my passwords--frustrating.

I strongly recommend that you give 1password another shot. It does a superb job at auto saving passwords... provided that you acknowledge it to be saved. I suspect at the time that you were not noticing its offer to save passwords for you.

IMHO... 1Password is the very best program out there for generating and saving passwords.

What about RoboForm? I think it is available for MAC now.


Keychain doesn't record all my passwords. Lost my password and haven't been able to retrieve yet, so i need a manager that works.


Tried 1password a few tears ago, but too complicated for me. I want one that will save passwords when i log into a site, but it didn't seem to do it, and keychain has only a few of my passwords--frustrating.

I highly recommend LastPass. It's very easy to use and works across multiple operating systems, multiple web browsers and on many different mobile platforms. It's endorsed by many respected security experts in the IT industry too. I've been using it for a couple of years now as well.
+1 on lastpass. have been using it for over a year and its great. I use to also use 1password before but gave up on them when they didn't have android version. Their response at that time was its mac and ios only and I got tired of paying for every upgrade and not being able to use it on my device of choice at the time. Switched to lastpass and had to manually export all my data from 1password to lastpass. Did that once and never looked back. so far lastpass works on everything i use (windows, mac, android, iphone, windows 7 phone i had). Now I actually don't worry about receiving emails about hacked services as I use one generated password per site so if one site is exposed I don't care, just login change password and I'm done
I'm going to put in a plug for Datavault. I use it on my Mac, ipad and Android phone and to store all my data, not just net passwords.

The only thing it has not got is the ability to open a single database which contains a subsidiary "even more private" database. But they said they'll add it to the wish list.
I was thinking of using 1 password to store all my passwords logins adn cc info .. but how safe is that data .. if im using it on iphone ipad and my imac ? Seems like if it gets hacked then all your stuff is gone
I was thinking of using 1 password to store all my passwords logins adn cc info .. but how safe is that data .. if im using it on iphone ipad and my imac ? Seems like if it gets hacked then all your stuff is gone

It uses AES encryption... so the chances of it getting hacked are near zero... unless you choose a crappy password. Mine is quite strong.

If you have ever used the same password for more than one site (and I do not know a single human who never has)... you are MUCH more vulnerable right now... than you will ever be using a strong password program that generates unique complex passwords for every site.

I am using Keepass (windows), keepassx (OSX) and kypass (Iphone) and synchronizing with Dropbox. Works fine, but I am looking into Strip from Zetetic.

Seems more secure.
Another vote for 1Password. Great support, cross-platform, seems (to me anyway) very user friendly. The major updates are reasonable while incremental updates are free-- but it is a bit expensive on the front-end. They usually run sales for major holidays. Used it for years; I can't imagine being without it. Not to say other apps aren't good; I just prefer 1Password.
I was thinking of using 1 password to store all my passwords logins adn cc info .. but how safe is that data .. if im using it on iphone ipad and my imac ? Seems like if it gets hacked then all your stuff is gone

This is why I highly recommend sticking with a BIG NAME developer for this type of application. You don't want your information compromised and thus you want to know there is someone behind it. I like 1Password since they have been around a long time, and they have been very upfront and honest about their security -- and their customer support has been great.

Lastly consider cross platform support. Does it have PC, Mac, iOS, Android, and even Web support? I look at it as I never know if I will need to access my passwords from one of those systems. Often my work computer is a PC, thus I need access. I don't want to be tied to one OS.
This is why I highly recommend sticking with a BIG NAME developer for this type of application. You don't want your information compromised and thus you want to know there is someone behind it. I like 1Password since they have been around a long time, and they have been very upfront and honest about their security -- and their customer support has been great.

Lastly consider cross platform support. Does it have PC, Mac, iOS, Android, and even Web support? I look at it as I never know if I will need to access my passwords from one of those systems. Often my work computer is a PC, thus I need access. I don't want to be tied to one OS.

well i am pretty sure im gonna buy 1password .. i use ios and osx .. here and at work.. im just nerouvs about having all my info in a program
I'm evaluating LastPass and Dashlane now. Now that I switch from iPhone to the Galaxy S4, I am disappointed in Agilebits 1Password app, which is basically a reader and nothing like the iOS version. That's too bad. It's a shame they put all of their resources into OS X and iOS and nothing for the one with the largest mobile marketshare.
I've been using 1Password but while all my passwords are now securely stored in 1Password, they are all pretty generic and similar. Should I go back and have 1Pasdword randomize the passwords?
I've been using 1Password but while all my passwords are now securely stored in 1Password, they are all pretty generic and similar. Should I go back and have 1Pasdword randomize the passwords?

That is what I did. Each site has a complex and unique password.

A friend of mine was contacted by the fraud department of a major online shopping company... regarding several thousand dollars of equipment. He confirmed it was fraud, and they stopped the transaction. They instructed him to log into the site and follow the instruction to change his password.

The problem is that because of that breach... his same password was used at dozens (or hundreds) of sites.

If your password was compromised at one site... would you want the crooks trying your email and password all over the internet for a match?

Also... as long as you are changing the passwords... take the opportunity to change all of the security questions with random complex passwords for mothers maiden name, favorite pet, etc. Keep them locked up in 1Password in the comments section for each site.


Well, I hope that whatever you buy it's not SplashID. Did you folks see the fracas they just created in the iOS App Store with their latest update? Crashing and forced "upgrades" have pissed hundreds of people off:

I wonder why no one in the Mac press is writing about this? :rolleyes:

I, too, am screwed...I would have to pay the $30 or I can't get the desktop version to work...ugh!
I use keepass as it works perfect for all my device.
There are probably others as well that works like this but I tested this one first and it is really simple and does the job.

You can set a expire time for your passwords if you want so will to change it on the sites you like.
I sync it with dropbox so I always have it in the cloud and can access it easy but take a local backup every week or 2nd week in case I don't have access to dropbox and still need to use my passwords.
i use this special hardware from "The Brain" and it integrates very well with its award winning software, Memory.

no service packs needed.

Agreed. Also, make sure you use passwords that are easy to remember, such as the name of a pet, or your birthday. And using the same password on every site makes it trivial to remember.

I like "12345" because of its simplicity.
Lastpass with Google Authenticator is great

I've been using Lastpass for about 1 year. You set a decent master password (at least 12 characters) and then increase the security of all your other passwords to lastpass generated password of at least 15 characters.
In addition to that, I've set a double password with Google Authenticator on my IPhone. You first enter your lastpass master password, then Lastpass asks you to enter the Google Authenticator password that is generated when you start the Authenticator app on your phone. That password changes every 30 seconds and synchronize with Lastpass.
All passwords are encrypted on Lastpass web site so they don't have access to it. You can use Lastpass everywhere you go.
Also, you can set geographic security. Per example, set it so it cannot be accessed out of the US. Just remember to change that setting if you go on vacation.
If you're afraid of loosing your master password and all other password with it, print your vault, put it in an enveloppe and hide it somewhere at home.
For me, that's the safest I can go for free.
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