Buddy wrote:
"So a simple and fast viewer would be fine."
I have several applications that work great for "culling" -- BEFORE you commit the pics to a regular editor:
1. "Phocus" -- this is Hasselblad's app for working with images from its cameras, BUT, it works with ANY pic from any camera. What makes it most useful is that it operates on a "volume/folder/file" hierarchy that is much like the finder's. This means you can navigate to any folder you wish, and quickly browse what's inside it.
Hasselblad was giving it "for free" for a while, not sure about that now. If you look around, you can probably "dig up" a copy.
2. "Lyn" -- A simple viewer for pics and videos, again, it allows you to browse volumes, folders, and files. It will prompt you to "buy it" (it's shareware), but it runs perfectly well in "free mode" for just viewing and browsing. You can also choose to delete unwanted pics.
3. "Picasa" -- This was google's editing software. It's now discontinued, and I don't think you can download it from google anymore, but it still WORKS, and that's what counts (even works with High Sierra beta I'm testing). Again, it can be "found", if you look for it. I like the way it works, so I use it as a simple editing app, as well. I don't know why they discontinued it, someone else should pick it up. You should try this in any case, it's a nifty little app.