I know what multiple means.You need to go look up the meaning of the word multiple.
I know what multiple means.You need to go look up the meaning of the word multiple.
You're not doing anything wrong. It's normal that search results may include emails, bookmarks and other items you don't want to delete. That's why you should exercise care when choosing items for deletion.Okay, so, when trying to search for files in finder.. when I add search system files .. visible or invisible, why does it show my bookmarks in safari?
The same thing happened when I tried uninstalling another app, the search showed my emails too! I don't know what I'm doing wrong![]()
I know what multiple means.Your comments can be misleading, making readers think they have to search "over and over", when in fact, it's one search, then one more search. Technically, it's search, then "search over", not "search over and over". It's not a hardship to perform 2 searches, and certainly not as difficult as locating, downloading, installing and learning to use another app, when another 30 seconds or less to perform one additional search would have done the job.
It shows the software in finder, but it says "no matches found" in iFileX
Okay, so, when trying to search for files in finder.. when I add search system files .. visible or invisible, why does it show my bookmarks in safari?
The same thing happened when I tried uninstalling another app, the search showed my emails too! I don't know what I'm doing wrong![]()
I checked this removal guide and came across an interesting item.
- Folder > /Library/StartupItems
In my StartupItems folder I came across a chmodbpf folder. In this folder the plist reads: Description = iNetGet;
Provides = (
Requires = (
So do I put this back or delete it?
Just install the app iFileX to do the searches and not have to bother with this work around. Much easier.
Weaselboy, one follow up please...I was about to instal iFileX but see that there is a more full featured application called FindAnyFile...is iFileX sufficient for purposes of deleting applications or is there a need for FindAnyFile and why?
As already stated earlier in this thread, if you elect to use such apps, be aware that in most cases, app removal software doesn't do a thorough job of finding and removing files/folders related to deleted apps. For more information, read this and this. If you just want to delete the app, drag the .app file to the trash. No other software needed. If you want to completely remove all associated files/folders, no removal apps will do the job.Or use the CC cleaner tool
I have not used FAF, but from looking at the features on their web site, it looks very similar to iFileX with a few added search filter options if you think that would be useful to you. But for just simple, system wide file searches to delete apps, I think iFileX is fine. Really just a matter of personal preference here I think.
As already stated earlier in this thread, if you elect to use such apps, be aware that in most cases, app removal software doesn't do a thorough job of finding and removing files/folders related to deleted apps. For more information, read this and this. If you just want to delete the app, drag the .app file to the trash. No other software needed. If you want to completely remove all associated files/folders, no removal apps will do the job.
Looks like that startup item is part of iNetGet. Is that something you installed and want there? If not, then yes delete it.
Since Mavericks the method of using Finder explained in this thread no longer works without manually navigating to the specific folder you want to search over and over.
Just install the app iFileX to do the searches and not have to bother with this work around. Much easier.
Thanks Weaselboy. No I don't recall installing anything like that, and I do not have this program on my Macbook.
Anyway I don't know what it can do...and definitely don't want anything messing with the internals of my OSX install.
I am trying to uninstall something and ifilex is showing some files that I don't want to delete. I can't figure out how to keep the files that I want? I tried right clicking and I tried searching the menu. Can you please help?
Thanks in advance!
Then you can just delete that whole chmodbpf folder you found and that should kill it. If you have trouble deleting it, try a boot to safe mode the delete it. A safe mode boot will prevent any startup items like that from launching so they can be deleted.
Just do the search so you have a search result list then select the first file you want to delete. Now hold down the command key as you one by one select the others to delete. Once you have made all your selections then click the trash can in the toolbar.
You can use apps like AppCleaner and AppZapper, but even they don't delete everything. They mostly only delete the .plist files that contain your user preferences for the apps, in case you ever want to reinstall them. These are very small text files and don't eat up much space anyway. What those apps leave behind are frequently much bigger files, typically located in the following folders:
/Users/username/Library/Application Support/There is no app that removes everything. Even an app's uninstaller will leave things behind. If you want it all gone, manual deletion is the only way.
Thank you so much, Weaselboy for your help!
In ifilex, how do I change the search criteria to include system files?
Thanks in advance!![]()
When you search for app-related files, be sure you've included "System files" > "are included" in your search criteria, or they won't show up. Those 4 folders aren't the only places app-related files could be. Also, it depends on what kind of app is being deleted. Some simpler apps may only have the .app file and the .plist file, which removal apps will find. Many apps have a large number of associated files which may be in a variety of locations, which is where app removal software falls short. Even if they leave files behind, if you're happy with their results, that's what matters, as long as you're aware that such apps aren't completely effective.I use AppCleaner. During the the last year of so, I guess I've uninstalled at least 20-30 apps with it. I just checked the folders you suggested and happened to find remains from only 1 of all those apps. So I guess AppCleaner is doing a pretty good job.
Someone please help, new to mac, trying to rid my daughters mac of mackeeper, i think it was never installed, pop-up is driving me mad!!! I have read entire thread and actually figured out how to open finder, search applications for "system" "files included" for "zeobit" and "Mackeeper", but I am not seeing any files to delete, yet pop-ups continue...daughter needs mac to access online classes, please help
just installed "appCleaner" searched for "zeobit" and "MacKeeper"; but didn't find any files...heeeeelp
Just finished downloading "easyfind" from app store, didn't find any files using "zeobit" or "mackeeper"...giving-up for now, got to hit the sack!
If you searched using the manual method described in this thread and didn't find anything, it's likely not installed. As described earlier in this thread, apps like AppCleaner are not effective in finding all files and folders related to apps.
You can check the following locations for apps that automatically launch on startup and delete any you don't need/want:After you delete items from the list, restart your Mac and those processes should not be running.
- System Preferences > Users & Groups > yourusername > Login Items (SL and older: System Preferences > Accounts > yourusername > Login Items)
- In Finder, click Go > Go to Folder > /Library/LaunchAgents
- In Finder, click Go > Go to Folder > ~/Library/LaunchAgents
- In Finder, click Go > Go to Folder > /Library/StartupItems
Where are you encountering the popups? While browsing the web? If so, it may simply be ads on websites. A good adblocker or script blocker should take care of those.
Be sure to clear your browser's cache and cookies. Yes, an ad blocker and a JavaScript blocker extension would probably take care of that.Would a safari extension (ad blocker) fix it? Thanks again!
I checked those file locations (see screenshots below), no evidence of "mackeeper" or "zeobit", however, an app called "octoshape" does appear, did a quick google search and couldn't find any benefit so I'm going to drag it to trash. I just came to realize that "mackeeper" is only one of the popups that showing up and that every time I open a tab in safari it points to "www.search-only.com" web site and then all those popups start bombarding tabs. I just changed default web site in safari preferences to apple.com and opened several tabs and other web sites...popups seam to have stopped. Could this have fixed the problem?