Sorry for your troubles, OP. UK staff probably wouldn't even have been trained to know this kind of information as the UK doesn't have CDMA. Are you here permanently or traveling back and forth still? Asking because I am wondering why you have a Verizon contract. If you have a new contract, you could probably do a
trade-in with Verizon so that you get a phone that works on their system as well as back in the UK. Otherwise, I'd try to cancel that contract with Verizon (30 days I think) if you are still able and get pre-paid on T-mobile.
The Tech Specs on the
UK site doesn't even mention CDMA even though it lists all the same models as the
US version. I'd say Apple is probably a dead end for you. Maybe write to Tim Cook? His executive team might get back to you and help out. Long shot but worth a try if other avenues don't pan out.
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