What would you guys say about this one... I am getting ready to order a MBP (Just came back from the Apple store and decided on Choice #1: Going with the glossy screen). But anyways, my final dilemma is the HardDrive. Currently, I have an 80gb 7200 HD in my Powerbook, and I have about 6gb left. I guess my HD is "fast" with the 7200, but I really have nothing to compare it with. Next year I will be a freshman at Boston College and will have tons of media on there (Pics, video, ect), and I am not sure what is "more important"... To have the extra 20gigs and a 5400rpm HD, or to give up the 20gb and stick with the 7200rpm HD. Right now, I do a little bit of video work, Final Cut Studio, but nothing way too intensive. So what would you guys chose?