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Blazer5913 said:
If I was to go with the 7200rpm HD, would I see better response times in Spotlight and applications like that that use the HD a great deal? I have an external drive to store most of my raw video footage. But mainly I don't want to be in the situation I am in now. I have an 80gb HD and only have 5 gb left now.... Right now, I am leaning towards the 7200rpm HD... I just need some confidence... I don't want to spend all this money on the wrong choice!

If you have money to spend, spend it on RAM. Any RAM that is not actively used is used to cache data from the harddisk, which is much faster than reading from the harddisk directly. You'll be better off with more RAM and a slower harddisk than with less RAM and a faster harddisk.
I vote for a larger hard drive.

Seriously guys, you're not going to have this HUGE DIFFERENCE in time between 5400 and 7200. If you really can't wait an extra second or two for data then go for it, but all that speed won't help you out when you max out your HD with applications.

In addition, the faster hard drive uses more power, and causes more heat. The difference between 5400 and 7200 isn't as big as between 5400 and the next step down.

Go for the space.
I have a 100 gig hard drive, and my mini's stock 40 gig hard drive in an enclosure, and honestly, I need more space. I've done a short (11 minute movie) on my G4 mini, and the hard drive space (or lack there-of) was much more of a constant issue for me that those extra few seconds it took to render everything.

On a slower CPU, the more HDD space is more important that how fast the HDD can feed the CPU data to render. That brand-spanken-new MBP is sure fast now, but give it a few years and it'll start to show it's age, and the more HDD space will be more valuble than a few extra battery-draining RPM's.
First off, thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has contributed to this thread! Over the past few days, I have been contemplating this question, and finally I have decided my answer. Last night I ordered my MBP with the 120gb hd. No regerts, b/c I do have a fast external 300gb hd, and I want the most space on here I can get to keep my essential stuff. Thanks so much guys, and keep the thread/debate going for other members in the same situation! Thanks
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