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when 95% of machine has windows, u should forgive him of forgetting to pay attention to OSX. Isn't that usual? and reasonable? :cool:
he also said vista is the most secure os ever. i think he forgot to say windows in that statement.

Yep. Vista may be the most secure Windows OS.

But most secure OS? Uh.... last time I checked, Windows was the ONLY NON-SECURE modern OS available!

The jump from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95 was reasonably revolutionary, and I remember all the hype that surrounded it (Rolling Stones, etc). I stuck it out with Windows 3.1 for a long time though -- in fact, I skipped 95 entirely and bought a new computer with Windows 98 when it came time to upgrade.

Someone said they Ctrl-Alt-Del'd Vista and saw all the same process names as in XP. That's hardly revolutionary.
sounds like it has some nice features to be honest! time will tell how well they work and how easy they are to use though
There is another interview on CNN which is possibly the worst public speaking EVER by Bill Gates. :eek:

Ok, seriously, CNN streaming video ROYALLY sucks.
1) VIdeo aspect radio is really screwed up and makes everyone look fat.
2) CNN needs to dump WMV as their file format for streaming. Almost ALL other major news outlets (except have switched to Flash (,, local TV station website, ect...) There is no reason WMP needs to be used. Flash just works better!
Let me guess. He thought it was the best thing since sliced bread.

I'm sure it will eventually catch on once a couple service packs come out and enough people are forced to buy it because XP won't come installed on new computers anymore, but I don't think it's going to be the big seller that Gates and company think it will be.
Windows. They make billions a year on their software. Unless you are being sarcastic...

Sure, they sell Windows. Up until yesterday, Windows XP. Which was created when? 2002 or so.

Since 2002 there have been, what?

Service Packs and security updates to Windows XP, which don't really count as sales.

Various versions of Office, which are typically met with "who cares, my existing version works fine".

The Zune. 'nuff said.

What else have they created since 2002 that's been met with any kind of overwhelming excitement?

... ok, the Xbox and Xbox 360, I'll grant them that.
::holds back hands:::


Bill Gates came to speak at my university 2 years ago. He was quite possibly the WORST public speaker I have ever seen. These interviews do not show a much better side of him either.

After the lecture a friend of mine sat outside in a penguin suit and handed out linux cds, that made the microsoft people very unhappy. HEHEHE anyway...


That coupled with the fact that half of what he said is a lie or being miscontrude, totally doesn't help things. It's a shame he can't just accept that like almost all the reviewers out there admit - it's a blatent copy of OSX, this time he just did a little better job with copying it.

As far as media center goes, and parental controls - microsoft is the leader. But to be fair, no tv tuners in apple computers mean help the success of the itunes store because people can't automatically record their favorite shows they have to buy them, so I guess in that respect it's give and take, but honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if that is somewhere on the horizon.

As far as parental controls... I'm sure that's a big thing for some people, but in the realm of all the things microsoft should pride themselves on it's kinda small, with all the 3rd party software that seems to work ok, and when I was a kid I was perfectly happy LISTENING to my parents without having controls... but maybe that was just me :rolleyes:

Either way, I've used vista, and personally I still find a lot of aspects clumsy, and it's not all that secure, and I know I am a mac user, but if you have to upgrade, like a lot of reviews say, you may as well just buy a new mac and run xp or vista on that when you absolutely have to.

My design class is a good sample it seems. I am an industrial design major, and up until this year it has still been about 95% windows users, always saying that no programs run, and it's secure enough, and they can get faster computers blah blah blah, but in the last 3 months. Out of 40 people 8 people have gotten new computers. Out of those 8 new computers... all 8 have been macbooks, macbook pros or imacs. Not an hp, dell or sony in sight.

Sorry Bill, Vista clearly is no match for old versions of osx. You lose. Again.
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