Completely rewritten and in testing now. This is just to whet your appetites a bit.
Will this be a free update or pay? I want to buy BillMinder but don't want to have to pay again when the update is released so should I buy now or wait?
This is a completely new application but it does allow one to import their data from the old version.
What about the versions we have already paid for??? Will they continue to be serviced or they just going to be left flapping in the wind???
I paid for the original version and it continuous to transfer itself to the lite version, I reported the bug and was ignored and my name removed from your beta testing after months of faithful testing and reporting.
I would highly recommend that no one purchases the original as you will have to pay for this new release. I highly disapprove of this business model as developers are trying to pick up new business from old reliable customers that will now have to buy it all over again. Guess its time to move to the competition since I have to pay again![]()
What will the new version do that the current one doesn't? Also will the current app continue to receive push notifications and just not be updated anymore?
Do you have an eta on when the app will be in the app store?
Will current BillMinder owners get an update in the App Store (both in iTunes and on the iPhone) alerting them to the new version's release, or will we just have to search for it?
Hi SFC Archer,
With all due respect, we're actually simultaneously launch another bug fix update for version 2. That would be our 25th update for BillMinder 1-2.x, which we think has been and remains a great value for our users. For the $1-2 our users paid we've put out 24 updates, including BillMinder 2 itself and push notifications before anyone else in the bill reminding space and recently made said notifications free to all of our paid users. I didn't mention that because this thread is specifically a teaser for BillMinder 3.
Like other software companies that prefer to continue existing, we will eventually have to deprecate version 2 as it's difficult to maintain two code bases with limited resources. We obviously don't require anyone to upgrade to version 3. If the App Store provided a way to do paid upgrades, we would offer a discount on the new version for existing BillMinder 2 users but this is not currently possible.
We want to make BillMinder 3 the best product it can be and a new code base was the best way to do that. It allowed us to redesign pretty much everything with ease of use in mind and add features we've wanted to add for a long time but couldn't in the old version. We believe folks won't mind spending a couple of bucks for a few hundred hours of our hard work if BillMinder can serve their needs.
As for the removing you from a beta list -- we are no longer using external beta testers so we removed those forums and all testers. We didn't just remove you. Also, I've explained to you on a few occasions that we don't test in jailbroken environments and that modifying the app bundle in any way will trigger the Lite mode. We don't have a workaround for that right now but we'll see what we can do in this upcoming update.
Needless to say...NOT one other app out of the remaining 98 turns to a "lite" version due to my themed iPhone...ONLY yours. So, that is what I was trying to address and wonder if 3 will do the same because if you are the only developer that has apps that wont work on jailbroke phones then jailbreakers need to be aware before they purchase it again.
Did the app turn to the lite version simply because it was on a jailbroken iPhone? I've used BillMinder on my jailbroken and themed iPhone with no issues since I bought it so I guess I'm not clear as to what made the app change.
That is quite strange. I don't think I've ever used BillMinder on a non-jailbroken device, and it's never switched me to the Lite version.
Most of that isn't our fault. And we actually did thank all of our testers. On top of that, we thanked our most valuable testers, you included, with a small iTunes gift card for your time helping us track down bugs in BillMinder 2.x. I suppose it's easy to forget that.
Again, the only way we're aware of that BillMinder 2 could revert to the Lite version is if the app bundle has been modified somehow. I'm not suggesting you've done this intentionally or pirated the app but something on your phone has modified the bundle *some how*.
And no, we don't use the same anti-piracy stuff in BillMinder 3 so that behavior will not occur.
Software companies don't pull old versions before the new ones are out because it doesn't make sense to. At that point we wouldn't be able to support the app at all. The reason we will leave the old version up afterward, for a time, is to make sure we can provide fixes to existing users. That's clearly for our users' benefit. You're free to think it's because we're greedy, but that's not the case.
Apple hasn't added upgrade functionality because of resources (adding more developers doesn't mean stuff gets done faster -- at least not in a linear fashion). It's not because they're "selfish."
It was not forgotten and was greatly appreciated although not asked for. Nor was the time frame that you gave it to us which was far before we stopped receiving updates to test, then all of a sudden nothing. It also does not answer why you failed to respond to chat when I was trying to fix this current issue and you just plain cut me off. It was just totally shocking to receive the appreciated gift card and then no word, no notice, not even a comment that that you had changed to internal testing.
Again, i do not and have not used a pirated anything. You have the records of not only paid apps, but the beta test versions you sent so what benefit would I gain by doing something illegal which I am tired of being accused of doing. Your bundle has never been touched or accessed in any way shape or form.
Not saying you should pull your app, what I am saying is that you should at least lower the price of a soon to be replaced version and/or inform potential customers that there will be a new version released soon. What is currently in the app store is deceiving and I guarantee will produce some very very unhappy customers when they buy today and have to buy again next week or month when a fresh new version comes out. That is totally wrong and bad business treating your future version 3 customers that way. I stated that I understood and accepted your last paragraph. I know that it is not your fault and accept the fact that to get a better version of a great app, I and other previous customers will have to buy it...NOT A PROBLEM, I will be the FIRST one to purchase it as long as it DOES NOT do what this version is doing to me. Stating that you have made some changes gives me hope that it will work fine when purchased. I would hope that you still have something in place to thwart thieves and app crackers.
I look forward to the new release and hope that there are no issues or bugs because I obviously will not open myself to be shut out again. Good Luck and hope your current Business Model works for you with minimal negative impact.